Steemit is like Farming

in #steem6 years ago

In many ways.

There are two ways to get a it or have it given to you.
There are two ways to get a steemit it or have it given to you.

Naturally if you buy something it will be more valuable than something that is free.
Naturally the more you pay for something..the more valuable it will be.

Same with Steemit.

If you spend a bunchaton of money to buy a steemit account then the account will be more valuable than the one that is free.

(technical term is DUH)

Consider it to SteemPower.
If you get a free Steemit doesn't have much SteemPower.'s not very fertile. It doesn't grow much. The 'land' is poor.

If you spend a bunchaton of money...your Steemit Account is very fertile. (high Steem Power) The 'land' is rich.

If you want to earn (grow stuff) from your must plant seeds (posts)
If your land is not very fertile(low steem power) won't grow very much.

The time between planting and harvesting is short.
It's only seven days from the time you post until pay-out.

The growing season is year round.

If you fertilize (power up) your land it will become more fertile.
Over time you'll be able to grow more and your harvest will increase

The moral is...power-up.
When your land is fertile ENOUGH then you can buy some fertilizer. Rent some Steem-Power Delegation .

Wash rinse and repeat.

The more you plant (post) the more you reap (get payouts)
The more you fertilize (power up either organically or by buying delegation, or both) the more bountiful your harvest will be ( higher pay outs)

The price of Steem is like rain.
the higher the price..the faster your steem account will grow.
the opposite is also true.
(I remember the drought..the price of steem was only $0.08)

Bots are like bugz.
The more of them there are...the less you harvest.
They decrease the value of your crop (payout)


Yo bro.......that was well said my friend! I started with nothing March 12, 2018 and I have worked on my account to the point that when I upvote it is worth .01 cent.
I posted everyday mostly, I commented and resteemed worthy people with great content such as yourself. I stay away from people that strive on bots and people that has not grown, people that don't interact with commentors or upvote comments.

have you rented steempower? (delegation...1 steem rents 8SP for 90days from BlockTrades)

No, I have not. I just dropped a little cash into buying Steem and powered up and started posting, upvoting, commenting and Resteem everyday. No bots, just dedicated work.

Eight to One leverage..what's not to like?

I may consider rental but not at this time because I do not have that in my investment plan due to me constantly buying stocks. It's a good thing, yes, but as an investor timing within a set plan is not to be strayed from no matter how sweet it is.

Whats the pesticide for the bugs?

I mute them...kinda like swatting flys.

Your post is very true, I remember that I started with a free account and I did not powered up any of my own money, as I didn't had so much of them, but I have powered up my time here and made it to get some payouts that in time helped me reach over 700 SP which is a thing I am very proud of!

I hope in time some bugz will die, if we can't kill them :)

Very good comparison and explanation; The problem is that many want to harvest without sowing and do not want to work for and care for their land and there are some big landowners who want to absorb or buy, at a very low price, all the harvests of some careless and lazy farmers. There are some types of crops that take a little more time for their production, such as avocado, therefore, it is necessary to have good farmers, endowed with great patience, who in the end will get a very good harvest and may perhaps help his other fellow farmers.

I never knew you could rent SP from block trades, thanks for the tip, I must check that out!

I once was a sharecropper (redfish), I saved and saved and saved some more, and powered it up along the way. Today, I became a minnow, 9 million more vest, and I will be a dolphin. Lets see 8 and a half months to minnow hood, so in a little over six years I might be a dolphin, but I may grow at an accelerated rate like being in a spaceship, i just left the gravity field, now all power only helps you go faster, Well i can dream.

Hey, this one is pretty good, too. Thanks.

I just Powered Up my measly bit of Steem because of reading this post. 00.00 Steem is better as Steam Power early on I gather..., I'm still figuring this all out, so I'll take the advice.

next time you get $2.00 or more of Steem go to Blocktrades and use it to rent $16.00 or more of SP for 90 days.

I didn't know you could 'rent' SP. I need to get in a few more hours of research. Thanks for the tip!

Catchy title :) Great way to put it. Best wishes to you <3

best wishes to you too :))

You are really gifted, i wonder how you use agriculture terms to talk about steemit, you are very right about all what you said, let me follow you so as to not miss your next post

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