Cryptos Slide After Yet Another South Korean Shutdown Headline

in #steem7 years ago (edited)

The irony is that all of this 'news' hit last night (and has done numerous times) .
but keeps getting regurgitated as new headlines that take the cryptos down briefly

I would imagine that someone is getting RICH. How many times have they done this? The herd has fallen for it EVERY TIME.

Buy low..sell high.

A word to the wise is sufficient.


So you suspect market manipulation, now I see the idea behind removing the Korean currency in most crypto exchange site

isn't it obvious?

Something interesting to note. Look at the "steemit" account. It has over 1/4 of the steem supply. Over a week ago they powered down. Look at the history of recent transfers in the wallet. 1 transfer steemit made, It went to Steemit2. Then look at the transfers of steemit2, it went to multiple wallets. Now, look at all the transfers from those wallets, many of them are being sent to Bittrex and Poloniex :O - I'll be watching this closely. Let me know what you think of my findings. Good, bad?

it's a better leave.
go somewhere ELSE!
right now!

According to unnamed officials, showtime24 will not leave!

they would do it just a couple of day before I was taking some litecoin out. ...

It's very rude.

I've been trying to buy some cheep steem and I'm frustrated.
Everyone else is too and the price keeps going UP.
I missed the dip...dammit.

@ 5 it's still a good price - Id be buying if i could, tbh

the price is moving too fast.
about the time I get an order placed it's no good.
and I don't know what I'm doing well enough to counter.

....put your buy order in and just wait to see if it takes it...?

I powered down some $6 steem a few days ago.
just bought some $4.90 steem with some of it.
we'll see what happens now.

the crypto crowd right now...........

hahaahha funny

this is kinda fun actually.

I'm not stressing it - just wait tad longer to see if bounces back before extracting some of my litecoin (being man of means nowadays...😂😂)

yeah...I've about had all the fun I can take for a while.
and Steem is STILL going down.
It might NOT have been so much fun after all.

How long does anyone think this dip will last before it goes up again !? 😳

who knows? a few hours?
a day?
not long based on past history of such things.

Time to buy!

You can bet Warren fucking Buffet is buying up all the Bitcoin he can!
Fucking FUDster!

the koreans are doing a number on the coin market, you ahve to wonder what has the justice ministry got to do with coin market issuing those statements when the finance minister should be the one commenting, the market goes through a shakeup but will come out stronger, the coin market is still young, this are just birth pain

The weak of hand will panic sell not Hodl through the dip you only lose when you sell. The storm is always the worst before the calm when its over.

YES!!! Buy the dip!! it's a Game buy Korea! Even the Ransomeware Virus was by Korea!

I'm standing by my post this morning. Binance added 240,000 new users (in one hour) Wed according to reports. Unless reports are false, demand is rising astronomically by the day.

high demand should increase the price..NOT cause it to fall.
econ 101

Sure, but what gives then? Either all these reports of high demand are false, or the fear factor is overwhelming new exchange registrants and they aren't investing. Or they are, and it's not enough to stop the selloff. ???

no clue..but high demand and limited supply causes and increase in price.

I really have no clue either except your point about the fear factor. And the demand I'm talking about is only new exchange registrants. Doesn't mean they're investing yet when you account for the fear.

So annoying how much crypto slides off of headlines but then again stocks do the same thing anymore instead of hard facts and numbers backing it up. Just like China tried to ban crypto now South Korea is trying. Uh nope not gonna happen fight back people your in control not your goverment

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