Give Me This Hard Fork #17! I Want To Post More

in #steem7 years ago (edited)

In these turbulent times my fingers are itching to type and post. A lot. I want to post more than sanctioned four posts in a twenty four hours window. The next hard fork will apparently lift this ban. So give me this fork!

Give Me This Hard Fork #17! I Want To Post More

More than four! More than four! More than four!

Actually, who cares about the penalty of posting too much. There can never be such a thing as posting too much. Even if it is not an article with a high beletristic value. Rubbish, in other words :)

Code name Simplicity?


Where's The Beast?

Cover photo of three forks (not four alas) was found on Unsplash. Author is Alejandro Escamilla.

Better and better!
Orange Swan By Lemark


I didn't even know this.
So you are saying right now one is only supposed to post 3 articels per 24 h cycle?

No, four. If you post more then there is a curve waiting on you by which your rewards are lowered. I can find the chart for you ...

Thanks for the info!
It's okay, just read the steemitblog about upcoming changes for hf 17, so I guess I don't need to see that curve anymore.

Currently it is 4 articles a day. Rewards of more posts are reduced I guess.

i wrote a short story about it. you are welcome invited to read.
but here is the link to let you know
there will be no fork today.
All is good because all is good.

Sorry, I am confused. What fork are we talking about? Steem or ...?

If I remember correctly the Steem Hard Fork #17 should happen on 20th. I wouldn't bet on it though :)

I thought you were talking about Bitcoin.
My bad.

:) No problem. These are interesting times. Full of would-be forks :)

I don't know what will happen with STEEM.
Whether up or down, looks like more folks in the community.
A happy holiday weekend to you!

Thank you very much and likewise!

Shared on Twitter, as always if I don't forget.

ErvinLemark Ervin Lemark tweeted @ 18 Mar 2017 - 16:03 UTC

Give Me This Hard Fork #17! I Want To Post More… /

@Steemit #steem #hardfork #simplicity #writing #socialmedia

Disclaimer: I am just a bot trying to be helpful.

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