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RE: Foundation Building Continues

in #steem5 years ago (edited)

No, we're doing the leg work to get something established. I don't feel silly about that at all.
Although I will say I'm totally out of my element here, so it's more about people with expertise driving the effort, and helping where I can.

(Oops this responded to the wrong comment?)


There are two things that have to happen for you to have a positive community reaction and achieve a goal. Any kind.

You have to have a large pool of SP from individual accounts willing to "not maximize" their profits and incentivize small accounts to action.
That is the only way to achieve anything on a larger scale. Otherwise you rely on individuals leading their own projects.

Thats exactly why this will fail. This whole thing is based on wishful thinking. Greed and stupidity is king on this platform and someone thought that you can base a project around altruism? People donating their time? Without any direct monetary incentive?

I have 100 SP and you think i care about some foundation? That id waste my time reading through pages of text just so i could watch big accounts grow their value and sell some more votes.?

Its much easier to convince a dozen idiots running big accounts to act in their best interest then it is to convince thousands of small accounts without stake to act in the interest of others.

And thats the path that should have been taken. The community only ever acts when you put money on the table.
Look at Oracle-d and their reviewers.
Busy little bees.
What does foundation have? "Lets work together guys! Helping is nice and togetherness is a pretty word full of positivity!"
Not how the world works. Its not how anything works.

Posted using Partiko Android

Except that we have people willing to move this forward, and actually setting things up. So I don't know why you keep insisting on shitting on everything before anything happens.

We have the other model already, as you aptly pointed out. And there will be synergies between this organization.

What we are doing isn't dependent on soliciting delegations. We're aiming for outside money. We need to be as lean as possible though so that we can focus on striking deals and not lining our own pockets.

Have fun in your... Whatever sandbox you are in...

All i see is the words "community together" being thrown around, seeing that the community at large isnt really involved, that the proposed systems will not work due to lack of incentive and all the other things ive listed and that nothing concrete has been achieved in 5 months.

So I don't know why you keep insisting on shitting on everything before anything happens.

Because nothing is happening and i dont think this will lead to anything but time wasting. And that is fine, its your time to waste. What im not fine with is creating this idea that you are contributing to the betterment of the platform if youre a part of the "steem alliance" and if you arent you arent interested in STEEM being a success. Ive even seen folks part of this thing criticize legit actions being taken right now probably because this project isnt getting enough attention.

And then its fun giving you guys a hard time. :)
It really is. I have a great dislike for the established mentality of unquestioned support and lack of any critical faculty here on this platform so its fun being the guy outside the gate throwing pebbles over the wall. haha.

If you have the people already, what really was the point of all the voting and the talking?

Yeah that's fine. You've said what you've come here to say, and we'll have to agree to disagree again.

Well, the point of the voting is that we at least got to see just how much active SP is in support / not apathetic. It's not a small amount either.

Yeah, you and I both know the active % is lousy, but that is even expected based on your earlier comment on "I have 100SP wtf I'm not reading all that". So hey, speaking for myself, I would say okay, the steem Alliance doesn't have a "community mandate" so to speak, but we have enough voiced to proceed (well in my opinion).

Well. Im pretty sure you dont. And thats the point. You never needed it and i told you on day one you wouldnt get it.
Not a single thing in these last 5 months was necessary. You could have just jumped to the end and grabbed a critical mass of people that think they are fit for the job and were willing to do it. (which i still do not see)
Instead a convoluted mess happened.
Anyways. I said what i had to. ;)

Heh. I hear you loud and clear on that one, believe me :)

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