Sort: actually added fyrstikken and krnelol. Looks like a farce to me.

Then they talk shit about me on voice chat when I wasn’t listening. Saying things like, “He never has suggestions.” And it’s funny because...


And specifically, this:

Guess it is then.

Updates are done manually and this is the first time I’ve had time to update, apologies for that. But nominations are on the chain and won’t be ignored. Whether this comment is up to date when you look at it or if it takes a bit longer.

@ats-David you were asked to come on or chat. I’m sorry if one person had an opinion, I think the rest of us were pretty fair. Town hall meeting will be happening to choose new “working group” aka grunts soon. Please bare with us.

careful where you promise those group nudes, girl! ;)


I’m sorry if one person had an opinion, I think the rest of us were pretty fair.

It would probably be good if that “one person” wasn’t nominated and approved in the working group, given the fact that he has made threats of physical harm against users on many occasions and has been accused of scamming people multiple times. It doesn’t look good to include people like that in an organization that will be charged with handling funds for the community.

And adding his business partner/developer probably isn’t smart either.

If we’re looking for a serious organization here, then the selection process - from the start - ought to be taken more seriously and done more carefully. Just some friendly advice.

I understand your concern, but as a reminder the “working group” you’re speaking of has no control of funds whatsoever. The only goal behind the group is to simply organize this week and then will have a town hall meeting where the new “working group” will be elected by the community, because this was done in a rush so it was decided it should be done differently.

The newly elected “working groups” sole goal will be to open up proposals from the community on the running of such a foundation and will also have no power.

So, while the individual was nominated and voted by those there.. the group is temporary and will have no power, funds or anything .. other than some volunteer work on posting and organizing the discord.

Hope that eases your mind a bit. This town hall will be announced as soon as possible with more details. Thanks for understanding.

Should we be under leadership that brags about conspiring to murder steem people? You decide today.

There is no leadership 😄

I don´t know, @ats-david - if you are for or against STEEM. Your criticism has been extremely harsh and unfair at times. You point fingers, but never have I heard you solve a problem or suggested loud and clear a solution to any of the problems you point out.

Mentioning that is not "talking shit about you". You were there, and you did not even voice up to explain yourself.

Prove me wrong by stepping up to the plate and become part of those who now will be working across the network to address and solve some of these problems bit by bit.

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