Is it harder to earn steem in musing nowadays?

in #steem6 years ago (edited)

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I have used @musing when it first came out. This was before it received major delegations for its operations. I refrained from using this dapp when Steemit Defence League surfaced. For details about that saga, do a search on the blockchain. This group terrorized planktons with many faucet accounts acquired from Micro Workers.

Why, you might ask? The person plagiarized and spammed the network; something she would never admit. Instead, she chose to wage a pointless war while shilling for Sti-shit.

(It's actually Stish-it, but I find it funnier to call it otherwise.)

Since @musing ranked answers based on their net number of votes at the time, you can see why I had to stop temporarily. It was comical seeing my answers with a negative number of votes despite of positive payout.

Then, the ability to post answers as a blog post became unavailable. This forced me to take on another break from it, which allowed me to focus on other projects on the blockchain.

Today, I am glad to be back on @musing, to give the blockchain a piece of my mind. I find my Musing posts receive more feedback from others compared to some of my other works. There is definitely more engagement on the dapp compared to vanilla Steemit.

Of course, this is facilitated by the fact that I use a satirical tone for most of my answers. Some of my followers appreciate that writing style.

When you complain about receiving a smaller vote, count your blessings. Many Steemians receive less recognition for their content than our random <500-word answers. 

Besides, why so worried? Enjoy your journey on the blockchain.


I never really got into @musing, it almost felt like what people should just be doing on there steem blog anyway. Asking questions and engaging users.

Is that more or less likely in a smaller subset of an already small pool of people (in comparison to other social media)? My initial reaction was, "less likely", so I have kept on plugging away where the most number of people are operating.

I found the musig platform difficult to navigate and it almost become full of questions with little thought and more about writing something for the sake of writing.

As always, I am happy to caveat that with, "I may be wrong" and always happy to give it another go if it looks like my view on it is too clouded by my old and inflexible brain ;)

It's meant to be something like the Steem version of Quora.

I do agree that the dapp has a long way to go, but I enjoy it. It seems to draw more engagement organically than my other approaches.

Just for personal experiment, my @musing posts do not use bids. In addition, I put a lot less effort promoting it compared to my other stuff. Yet, it yields more interaction. I don't think it's because I'm a fountain of wisdom. It probably has more to do with the dapp drawing people who actually read on the platform.

Look at that birthday pos. !BEER

Hey @enforcer48, here is a little bit of BEER for you. Enjoy it!

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