fakes the blockchain activity

in #steem6 years ago (edited)

The new website looks great, however, can't understand why we're faking the users and activity while we already have real data available.

Screen Shot 2018-11-20 at 10.25.46 PM.png

Fun fact: @JessEjiohuo is not a valid account name. (invalid in terms of the account name restrictions)


I think the real reason for this is that you would wind up with some potential legal issues. They could get verifications from users that using their profiles to highlight the site is okay, but it's probably easier to create realistic looking dummy accounts to illustrate functionality.

Posted using Partiko Android

@therealwolf create claimed account @bigshooter212 (show details)
15 days ago

Only entry in

So far

What were they thinking?

That was a practical joke when he realized that the accounts didn't exist he went like "don't worry I got your back I'll create the account"

Still fake and untrue, because that account never played any steemmonsters.
And why not the other 2?

Look we all know I am no fan of Ned. But really this is your issue? No website ever uses real users on their marketing page. There would be legal issues, privacy issues and all kinds of issues with that. This is a dumb post and I'm sorry to have to say it. But really pick on the real problems, don't invent them.

This post makes you look foolish not steemit Inc. It's easy enough to make steemit inc look foolish with real issues.

You do realize you’re reading a post on my namespace, right?

I can post whatever I want. Dont need your validation about what should I post.

I do not try to make Steemit inc. or anyone look foolish. Not sure what are you going through in the last couple of months, but I dont need any drama queen on my threads.

I didnt tell you not to post it, I told you that its dumb. You can flag for disagreement if you want. Wont affect my life in the slightest if you do, but yeah, not understanding elementary business marketing and legal basics is not really a good look for somebody calling somebody out - which is what your post is doing. Pretty much the definition of drama queening, so carry on looking silly I guess?


I dont have time for this. Thanks for your input.

You had plenty of time to invent nonproblems. Have a great day.

There you go. Flag away. Now you look just as Petty as Ned too. Just won't work out like you think it will. Never does for you guys. Shallow and scared of the truth. Well done. Did you buy that rep 70 with Bots?

You're being a jerk unnecessarily. Don't be a jerk.

Perhaps you could elaborate on the legal and privacy issues about reproducing data from a public blockchain. Be specific. Explain why they would apply here but not on e.g. a block explorer.

Wow you're still alive?

It's probably as catchy as that hoodie ... since when do investors care about real issues?

Pulling a bernie here?

Nice catch!

I had such a feeling when I looked at the site. I guess they didn’t want a post by @berniesanders on their frontpage! LOL

Posted using Partiko iOS

There wouldn't be a post of bernie there, just an icon that he used.. Whatever he uses to post.
I dare you to find that utopian-io post by @spotsandstripes

That is just really weird.

Birthdaypost !BEER

Didn't realize that (some of) these accounts don't exist... Wow, I wonder why they put them on the front page.

Oh those little sneaks!!! >:(

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