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RE: The Witness (Circle Jerk) n-Person Prisoner's Dilemma, and the richlist Witness Votes - Some solid numbers for you to digest

in #steem7 years ago

How you got into a place where you are serving two masters, I don't know. But I am beyond caring. You are the last straw for me. Your duplicity and obliviousness are absolutely breathtaking. The rules put everyone in a position where either they go suck some whale's @#$% to get the issue elevated, or they just sit there and bear with it and build up that load of anger like I've got sick of dealing with. I'm not normally this mouthy, but duplicity, two faced, oblivious, complacent, self satisfied people make me want to smash my screen with a crowbar.


I don't see it as serving two masters. To a large extent, the goals of the STEEM/SP stakeholders, and Steemit, Inc. are in line with each other. If Steemit can take off and become a platform that has billions of users, and the price of STEEM moons - that is good for everyone. If or some other platform gets us there, that's fine too. In most of the scenarios that I am aiming for, all of the stakeholders benefit.

There have been times when I have been "at odds" with Steemit. One example is HF 17. I did not pick up the hardfork, because I did not agree with Steemit's position on it. I worked with them (and several of the other witnesses) to negotiate a solution, and we got HF 18 - a compromise.

A lot of your views are based on assumptions of malicious intent and mutually exclusive win/lose scenarios. There are definitely selfish people here and users/groups that will exploit the system to their own ends, but I do think that more often than not most people that are here want the platform to succeed.

I'm not sure where/how you got your view of me, but I really don't think I'm that bad of a guy. I feel like you have created your own view of what you think I am like, that isn't really in line with who I am. I'm happy to talk to you more and explain my views on things. Hopefully if you get to know me, you will realize that I'm not as bad as you made me out to be.

I do get where you are coming from with your frustrations though. I've only been here a year, and I have gone through periods where I ranted about tons of issues that I saw with the way things were. Things are by no means perfect, and there is lots of room to improve.

Despite our obvious disagreements, I do get the impression that you are saying all this stuff out of a genuine interest to make this place better. While I don't really agree with your approach or views, I think that is enough for us to get along.

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