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RE: Walking the currencies

in #steem6 years ago

What if you could put on an altered-reality headset and walk outside to play those first person shooters on site with other people in the community? What if you could get paid in crypto to be a part of that community?

You'd get to keep your stat points and the ability to game, but you'd also get exercise and community engagement. All of a sudden, the activity has infinitely more value than it does today. Crypto is going to give value to things that previously had very little (if any) value.

This is the world we are hurtling toward, and it's going to be insane. Addicted gamers have died in their chairs from exhaustion. What's going to happen when you add running around in the sun to those addictions? What happens when someone isn't paying attention and they walk somewhere foolish and get hit by a car? Safety is going to be a huge issue.

You personally own 1/10,000th of the Steem blockchain. Do you realize how crazy that is? In a couple years people are going to be begging to be added to your resource credit pool so they're allowed to transact on the blockchain, and it will be your job to figure out who you want on the blockchain and who you don't, unless you delegate that responsibility to someone else.

Scaling will always be the biggest problem of crypto. It's just very hard to see that during this Winter Apocalypse.


Just because I don't see value in partaking in gaming, there will be value in gaming itself. I don't mind leveraging the mass addictions of others as they are going to be leveraged anyway because well, they are addicts.

It is going to be interesting with the AR/VR that will come . I was talking a few days ago to someone about 3d environments running older FPS. They would be loved.

1/10,000 is pretty interesting ;)

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