I am losing my love for Steemit

in #steem6 years ago (edited)


EDIT: After careful consideration of the comments below I am retracting the sentiments of this post. For clarification, please see my post https://steemit.com/steemit/@drwom/okay-so-i-still-love-steemit-after-all

Thank you

I am losing my love of Steemit, and while it's not gone... yet, it's going. And that disappoints me. I have been highly invested in it for about 18 months now, and while I’m no whale, as @drwom I have posted an original post once a day for most of that time and I have been well served by Dan’s second blockchain. I am grateful to all my followers, especially those who are still active.

The problem with Steemit, it seems to me, is one of governance. And its one a problem I think Dan observed before he decided to create EOS and perhaps STEEM2 on top of it.

Because many of the whales in charge of Steemit (called witnesses) seem to be happy with the platform’s decline, or at least have been very slow with any moves to address it (for example, see https://steemit.com/gathering/@ned/follow-me).

And usage has been declining. I can see it in my feed. But it’s also there for all to see in the blockchain itself. Just compare this week’s activity (https://steemit.com/steemit/@penguinpablo/steem-stats-report-october-26-2018-steem-re-enabled-on-binance-and-poloniex#@drwom/re-penguinpablo-steem-stats-report-october-26-2018-steem-re-enabled-on-binance-and-poloniex-20181026t080412564z) with that of last year (https://steemit.com/steem/@penguinpablo/daily-steem-stats-report-thursday-october-26-2017).

Part of the decline is obviously related to STEEM’s price, with people unwilling to put in the work for the rewards on offer. But I believe it is the lack of communication from the witnesses which have started the decline, driven its momentum, and opened the door for significantly lower STEEM prices.

So what to do? Jump ship onto one of the STEEM clone-chains?

No. I don’t think so.

I'm going to stick with it, at least for a bit. I am going to dabble with EOS-based Trybe platform though, because while I want Steem to regain its lost glory (and I know it can and should), it's time to hedge my bets.

May all beings be happy.

Photo - courtesy of pixabay.com



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Rome wasn't built in a day, more importantly and relate-able either was facebook or medium. Steem is still early on in development. I understand your frustrations but I think the bigger picture remains positive for Steem. Anyway hope things get better!

You're right - as is @sirknight earlier.
Thanks for helping me see it.

With all due respect Drwom - you do not appear to take much of an interest in others. And if you don't take an interest in others, why expect them to take an interest in you?

We have both been here on this new experimental social media blockchain for over 18 months and the interface and system changes between then and now have been amazing. And a year ago we were at 20,000 users a day now we are at 50,000. However, if you feel that the STEEM price is the only indication of success, then it is probably not for you.

Anyhow - just something to think about as you write your next ode to a failing system - which if you take the time to look around, is now actually building farms and feeding the hungry of the world.


Posted using Partiko Android

Thanks Sir Knight @sirknight
Yeah I missed that number of daily users. And that's an important indicator.
I think maybe I'm mis-directing my frustration.
And yes I do agree that there are many many positives still happening because of Steemit - especially outside the Western bubble.
I will ponder your words.

Definitely some fair points, but I too don’t think Steemit clones are going to succeed any more.

Is Dan in any way involved with Trybe? This is the only one I’d be slightly interested in, simply because of him and EOS.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Hey Forex
No Dan isn't involved to my knowledge.

Is trybe something similar to steemit ? Based on Dan's eos ?

Yep Trybe.One
It's good, and based on EOS - but as far as I know it's not STEEM2 and Dan doesn't have anything to do with it.

Thank you for being here for me, so I can be here for you.
Enjoy your day and stay creative!
Botty loves you. <3

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