$1 USD... Can STEEM Recover?

in #steem6 years ago

As you're aware, the price of STEEM has been going down all year. If we had sold ours in January and forgot the cash under out mattress, we could take it out now and buy EIGHT TIMES as much.


But that's the past. The question is, how low will STEEM go? Should we sell now and buy it back for pennies on the dollar, again? Or just keep on holding?


I'm going to do what I've been doing all along (which has been the wrong decision - oh well), and keep holding my STEEM. My wife and I have over 1000 of them now.

We think of cryptos, at least for now, as a way to save, outside the traditional financial system. I can no longer bank, or use PayPal, or have credit cards, due to alleged government debts. So I'm reduced to cash, basically. I live a cash lifestyle. But that makes online payments pretty impossible, so I'm hoping STEEM develops to the point where we can use it to buy things like food, rent, and medicine.

Our guess is that Steem WILL recover, eventually. And you?


I am with you man. I am holding what I have and taking the opportunity to power up the liquid steem we are getting now. Maybe it will pay off and maybe not but, screw it, I like gambling lol.

Ah cool, 1000 steem, that’s great going! 😀

I don’t really have enough to sell, but (I might be wrong) don’t we have to ‘power down’ to sell steem/sbd and it takes like 2 years? I remember reading that, but I am probably wrong as that sounds odd.

It’s always hard to think about when to sell or buy. The way I see it is that it seems the crypto market will boom again, possibly end of the year (or later as you previously said in your last posts), so I am holding. I have some other cryptos and I am just forgetting about them until we have a big boom again - infact, I would really like to forget about them and check back in 3 years, steem included. Then, I would love to have a big amount to invest in something like a small property... that’s the dream/goal :)

I would like more development going into steem for practical use, for you to use it as a ‘currency’ maybe you could buy another crypto with your steem that you can then use to buy food/rent etc:)

But I think it will recover, I feel it has to, just because it follows the bitcoin trend. Steem is getting a bit oversaturated with bots, so maybe users will loose interest, but who knows - before that happens it will rise again:)

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.28
TRX 0.13
JST 0.032
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USDT 1.00
SBD 3.69