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RE: Understanding Steem's Economic Flaw, Its Effects on the Network, and How to Fix It.

in #steem6 years ago
  • We have a problem of greed
    Greed is good. Greed is not just about money ... life, love ect. (hint: people are into crypto to make $$$)
  • This is a problem of culture
    I disagree, name me another crypto that does or encourages even half the betterment initiatives that steem has
  • Subsidize downvotes (cheaper downvotes, separated pool)
    Worst idea for the long term growth of this platform. This would only encourage more censorship

So in your view things are perfectly fine the way they are? That's a fair point of view but clearly you disagree with the poster on this.

Not even close to perfectly fine. I have some strong ideas for Steem's long term growth but I plan on getting a much larger stake before I start marketing both my ideas and steem. I expect to be a buyer as steem flushes over the next couple of months. I am targeting December of this year to start. I think steem has a chance to be bigger than Bitcoin.

We need to align the incentives better, there's no question about it. The greed will adapt. I'd love to curate more, but the system is built that way that I'm losing out on short term while doing so ( long term we're all fucked probably, doesn't take a genius to figure that out ). That's not the Steem I was promised, not at all.

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