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RE: It's time to end the mystery delegations.

in #steem6 years ago

Logically if you want to encourage a project, you start with a small delegation, then increase accordingly depending how well it does AND after doing background checks on the people running it and discussing their future plans. Obviously, this was never done.


Well the dlive people would just have lied all the way through, I'm not sure these background checks would actually have done anything. We discovered their involvement with lino only a few days ago.

They could lie, true, but if there were minimal efforts to vet whoever is being delegated and being transparent about it, at least Steemit could argue "we checked them out but they lied to us". The public opinion would have been different. The outrage is not only against Dlive, but against the irresponsible delegations too.

These delegations are pretty small in business terms. Valuing them is kind of weird because they're not loans, they're transfers of cash flow from capital. But in general we're talking about a low-six-figure amount for dLive, which seems like a lot to individuals but isn't really a ton in a startup context. I don't think it needs to be done in rounds, or with extensive background checks.

If they've been doing it without contracts, though, that's just awful.

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