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RE: Open letter to Justin Sun and the STEEM community

in #steem4 years ago (edited)

I don't remember throwing anything at you retard. Stop being offended by every fucking letter. This is not gay pride.

How about you honor your word and keep your big nose out of people's way, it's not my fault that you are now a relic. At least other people had the guts to do something even if it was wrong, yea but you had something to do off-chain, what? WTF are you doing here? Honor your word and stop trying to be a smart ass because no one cares. You run like a coward and left people to do the dirty work, then you came sneaking like a rat on the same day of the SF expecting to have the higher ground and clean hands?

A lot of communities but only remembers @cervantes (YEA, because if other communities have created their own witnesses they will for sure enter the top 20, right? We all now why cervantes is/was at the top). If you don't remember anymore maybe you should get to work and support them again ... or this is just one-time ticket to heaven?

Also, If you have some hidden emotions you want to express, go see a shrink. Get your shit together, I have no time to deal with a grown overly emotional man who thinks that emotions are better than facts. Stop rambling around and getting excited over shit. Move on.

Sun moves clearly made more damages than I though on your ego, he outsmarted every retarded here who thought that a cult of 60 people will do the job. The whole community is divided now just because the BS you and your ghetto of retarded friends brought us.

It's too late to play the vigil.


If there was a message there, I couldn't extract it from the poorly written jumble of words. At least you didn't call me a racist again, and instead implied that I am gay (which, whether or not accurate, I won't take as an insult).

big nose

I wonder who the racist is.

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