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RE: The Up And Downside Of Curating In STEEM What Are Your Techniques? 🙃👇👆

in #steem5 years ago (edited)

Hmm.. I used to think alot about this kind of thing too. With the longer curve, I perceived more possibility of making a difference. Made it interesting too, if not impossible to predict.

It took a lot of experimentation to feel I was optimizing curation while keeping it focused on what and who I value most (a challenge that I enjoy so- motivating in different ways) and interestingly enough, I think that those efforts resulted in higher reward for the content creator in many cases and I was happy with that because I respect those who put alot of time into creating posts- and keep doing it... because I've had a harder time running with the herd than I expected I would. A realization that was helpful to me though.

As I understand it (assuming that I do understand it), and appears to be the case- beyond time of vote, the value given (likewise, received) from your vote is higher accd. to your VP. So high volume voting dilutes the value of reward you give with your vote, for better or worse. That will fluctuate obviously and I'd bet that it is a wash if analyzed on currency value specifically.

I see a lot of value that can come through in different ways- by commenting. Saying that reminds me that I've been slacking there so let this start renewed momentum. Means I'll be consuming more content also, leading to renewed involvement. (writing things out helps me make changes)

Are you noticing a reduction in content rewards? I'm happy to see that you have a few dollars in. I haven't been around much lately so I need to get a feel for new conditions / see the results as they evolve.

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