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RE: Clarifying my decision not to support EOS-related posts and witnesses (100% of post rewards donated to curation initiatives)

in #steem6 years ago (edited)

You know more about it than I do. The leader there sounds like a nice lady with a vision, but from the pictures and profiles, it also appears to be run by teenagers.

Yes, the speed is virtually the same.


Yes, I only incidentally looked through the whitepaper because I kept seeing people harping on about how great ONO will be... on steemit of all places, and got annoyed enough to give it a read for the lulz. The extreme front-loading of the project and the desire to extract even more via a continuous cut of some aspects of the project leads me to believe it's a pretty big cashgrab trying to ride on the back of a trending project.

Ethics aside I'm sure that most people would jump at the chance to cash out like that in their youth as opposed to what, do actual work for the rest of their lives for a pittance in comparison? So I can't blame them any more than I can any of the other people involved in opaquely greedy ico's.

To be clear, no legal business can operate in China without signing the users' rights away to the government for surveillance operations. This isn't even a secret. Even Apple has signed over its servers to be put in China so they can scrutinize their own apple-owning citizens.

This is not something you want to have any of your personal data or views to be shared on, imo, especially now they're integrating their mass surveillance system(literally called 'skynet') through all social media apps within China (weibo, wechat etc)

(I live in China)

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