Steemit PR-strategy will be aggressive or controversial? Quite possible :) And some really hot PR-strategies in the world

in #steem8 years ago (edited)

Steemit is a unique and the first social network of its kind, which pays for publication. This is a huge advantage, which must be used. Soon it may appear Steemit copies, but it is now necessary to secure the tagline or slogan or poster Steemit. What will Steemit PR-strategy, I do not know, but I can offer as an option that any violent or scandalous as it will be, for example.

"Without Steemit - you're a loser"

There were PR-strategies that have made something really hot. Few words about them:

Start the pr-campaign, which will cause a scandal - the dream of any advertiser. Because the promotion of the brand to discredit not need to engage in - all the work is done by journalists who will make the company's slogans in the headlines and banners put her illustrations to articles.

Tiffany & Co. and gay engagement

Tiffany & Co. for the United States is not just a jewelry company. Together with cigarettes Marlboro, Campbell's soups and soda Coca-Cola «Tiffany" - an important part of American culture.

The more interesting that this company in 2015 decided to withdraw advertising engagement rings for same-sex couple. Against the background of happy young people with simple rings from the "Tiffany", which wants to probably every other woman on the planet - the slogan «Will you?». By the way, gay men who participated in the filming, is not a model, it's a real New York same-sex couple. And their picture - one of many included in the campaign, whose message: "True love can have many different forms." Is it also the newlyweds image with a child, alluding to the fact that children are sometimes born out of wedlock.

After the release of non-traditional advertising on Tiffany & Co. Nobody lashed out, there was no public protests against the violation of traditional values. Perhaps the fact that America was no longer such a novelty.

Ray-Ban was doing it before it became mainstream

Three years before "of coming out» Tiffany & Co. advertising to the gay couple released the legendary company for the production of sunglasses Ray-Ban. Her permanent motto «Never Hide» in 2012 relates to the discovery a demonstration of affection between men.

Advertising, which became part of the celebration of the 75th anniversary of the brand, portrayed men walking along the metropolis 1940 and did not notice them staring disapprovingly passersby. So the company called on its customers do not pretend not to be afraid, do not give up and not hide, as "real creators of trends, the real opinion leaders, these individuals believe that the most fashionable - is to be yourself, be real, authentic and stylish."

Diesel and all sorts of nonsense

What only posters and videos do not appear under the slogan Be Stupid, Diesel that the company has adopted in 2010. We are convinced that stupid as opposed to creating smart, and do not criticize that, committing rash acts, can make new friends, it is necessary to listen to the heart and not the head at the end.

The peak, or rather, two vertices copyright skill by Diesel has become, first, advertising, on which the woman puts toy soldiers on what looks like a man's buttocks, and a slogan in large letters, promises the opportunity to create more (it is not clear just what more).

Well, the second peak: a poster with the girl, showing bare breasts camcorder, and words of wisdom, derived bright letters: "We have smart brains, and from stupid - the balls."

No reputation losses from this advertising Diesel has not suffered, however, and has not achieved outstanding success, because, according to analysts of the advertising market, the brand originally targeted at young people, for which the revolt against reason - their usual state. And advertising Be Stupid strategy except that Diesel has strengthened the position of this group of the population.

Harvey Nichols and enuresis

In 2012, the British fashion retailer Harvey Nichols planned sale, which was to be almost the biggest in almost two centuries of history of the company. The goal of marketers are naturally mods. They decided to put on posters.

In order to express the extent to which real dandies hard wait for the coveted Sale's advertisers showed how shoppers described. The idea of

no one appreciated, so creatives had to apologize for the work done, namely for the image models with wet pants. Justify, by the way, at Harvey Nichols tried that prints - "direct visualization of the famous phrase." However, many fans of the brand felt offended.

Benetton and kiss the Pope

Creators of Benetton, trying a new way to express the idea of

combining the brand loved by all the people in 2011, with the help of Photoshop made kissing political opponents.

Image of German Chancellor Angela Merkel and then-French President Nicolas Sarkozy, one in the enlightened world is troubled, like a friendly kiss on the lips of heads of North and South Korea - is obvious in Pyongyang has not been seen. But after the appearance of advertising in which Pope Benedict XVI kissing an Egyptian imam Ahmed al-Tayyib, Benetton'y threatened to sue the Vatican.

Shortly before that in Egypt there have been attacks on Coptic Christians who denounced the pontiff and the imam in response, he refused to have any contacts with the Catholic Church. As a result, the Vatican made sure that Benetton removed all billboards on which the Pope is depicted in the arms of the Imam, and has agreed not to sue in exchange for a public apology and a donation, whose amount was not disclosed. And, despite the fact that the representatives of Benetton expressed "sincere disappointment that Pope Benedict insulted the feelings of believers and" disappointed in the results of the campaign they just do not have - according to the published data of Benetton, its scope has exceeded 500 million users worldwide.

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