How do you get 2000 followers from 2 posts? --- Introducing STEEM TRADE --- A 10 BTC educational community trading fund, where you decide what to do with 10 donated Bitcoins on Bittrex.

in #steem7 years ago (edited)

STEEM has introduced thousands to the world of crypto and trading, and today begins a new chapter in spreading the global adoption of our currency as we teach people about the power that trustless blockchain-based organizing can offer those who adopt STEEM or blockchain-based fintech in general.

For those who don’t know me, I’m the idiot who went all in at the peak and then got scared when the developer quit and sold ¾ of my position at 20 million market cap. But the value of both STEEM and BTC has risen beautifully so it’s pretty much been a wash for me. I have not contributed much over the years, and I vow to never power down again no matter who leaves the community, so as a celebration of my third post and 2000th follower, I am pleased to be financially well off enough to donate 10 BTC to the STEEM community in the form of a unique STEEM marketing initiative that I call STEEM TRADE.

With STEEM TRADE, the community votes on how to allocate and trade 10 bitcoins on Bittrex. You can vote to buy and/or sell anything. Or combine them to create more buying/selling pressure in any market you choose. By trading alongside or against the community controlled STEEM TRADE account, newbies from around the world will learn the benefits of the 2 most popular STEEM topics of all time: STEEM and crypto trading.

It’s hard enough to teach people about private keys, voting for witnesses, and of course the wizardry behind the $15 STEEM “dollar”. But try adding the concepts of arbitrage, liquidity, Fibonacci, MACD, RSI, volume, large/small cap , and of course information asymmetry to the lesson plan and their eyes gloss over. The bottom line is that people coming into this space don’t know much about crypto or trading free markets in general.

If we don’t offer a little financial incentive to the teaching process, then we run the risk of losing potential lifelong Steemians who are initially greeted with the golden rule that "money talks” on our home page.

Enter STEEM TRADE, the crypto lesson that lets you make money by teaching newbies how to follow the money (in the STEEM TRADE account of course).

Crypto is hard enough to teach, but throw in the principles of free market capitalism that blockchains allow for the first time ever, and you have a recipe for confusion. Luckily, STEEM is differentiating itself as not only a crypto token, but also as a useful educational tool as well.

The TLDR of STEEM TRADE is that you get paid to learn about trading because you can place your trade to take advantage of the information asymmetry of knowing when a whale is about to surface. This will show kids that whales are not to be feared, but loved because they can be helpful as well as hurtful. So by being able to control a whale trading account, newbies will lose their fear and learn to love STEEM and TRADING at the same time!

Well, that’s the general idea. This will be fun. If STEEM TRADE fails to get any traction, then I will try harder to think of a better way to draw people to STEEM in my post #4.

Each of the 10 BTC will have a number because it will inevitably change value, and each one will have its own opportunity for you to vote on what to buy and when exactly to buy/sell it which will occur in 2 rounds of voting since nobody will vote on the “when to buy/sell it” question if they don’t care about the “what coin to buy/sell” question.

All votes will be totaled 2 days after the post date so that we don’t have to wait long between trades. This should get pretty interesting once a few trades are in play. Maybe we will go to 24 hours or less depending on the community feedback.

So let’s get started. We will start off with BTC #1 which is currently worth 1 BTC of course because we have not done any trading with it.

Now the first question for the community concerning BTC#1 is:

What coin do we want to buy with 1BTC in one single trade?

Choose an option in the comments section below by voting for the coin you want to buy with BTC #1

Another cool thing I am going to do at STEEM TRADE is recognise local STEEM artists to try to promote them to help make them fame and fourtune

All Images used for the STEEM TRADE posts will be either royalty-free, created by me or made by people who gave me permission to use them. Like @billibong who gave me permission to use these:


Was thinking anyone would have thought of buying ethereum. What did you finally come up with to buy?

I bought DogeCoin sometime ago but the value have fallen more than 50% since then.

Not only Dogecoin. It's a hard time everywhere. My Ethereum wallet and bitcoin portfolio have gone down over 60% in value. But I have faith in the market.

have you decide what to do with 10 donated Bitcoins on Bittrex?


Buy Ripple

No centralized coins.

It might be centralized but it offers good prospect and is sure to rebound once this dip is over. It's a great choice for me.
Buy Ripple

Ripple is one of it ripple.

I don't think any other was hot harder than Ripple since the start of this dip, plus it's centralized.
Can't do

Buy Litecoin

Yes I will buy this....the silver bitcoin

This is a great coin, transaction fee is comparably cheaper than Bitcoin, faster than Bitcoin too. In recent times litecoin has become sluggish but this can change soon if litepay and lightening happens.
Buy LiteCoin

Buy LiteCoin.
It might look too similar to Bitcoin but it's faster and cheaper. Had a great 2017 and is bound to have greater success in 2018 and onwards

Buy Verge

Good and promising...I will buy this also.

Very promising coin.
Buy Verge

Buy Dogecoin

If because of the market dip, it's really low time to dogecoin

Honestly you gotta be patience to buy this coin. Still very cheap but has a lot of potential.
Buy DogeCoin but it's a while before it moons.

Buy Stratis

Buy Stratis.

From Microsoft..... Promising also buy status.

Buy Stratis

Buy Neo if you can afford much of it. It's almost $100 now

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.20
TRX 0.15
JST 0.030
BTC 65185.94
ETH 2630.94
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.83