Saying Good Bye to Steem and big Hello, nice to meet you to Hive!

in #steem5 years ago

I created a Steem account on September 23, 2017.

With two and a half years on the platform, I can say that I am at least a senior citizen. After 912 days and almost 1400 posts (I was much more active in the past), there came a moment I didn’t expect - a moment to leave Steem.


In the past months, I have become less and less active. The reason is simple. Since the early days on Steem and the initial enthusiasm for the platform, I have not seen much progress. The platform failed to cope with the obvious manipulations of members who were only there to profit from the Steem. The platform failed to cope with the obvious attempts and occasional success of censorship, much less spam, and malicious behavior. Finally, the platform failed to harness the potential of the media token and the first use of blockchain technology in the creation and publication of copyrighted multimedia content.


I'd be lying if he said that I didn't have the benefit I had hoped for from Steem. Partially at least. In the early days, when I spent a lot of time on the platform, I furthered my interests. My photos have gotten better thanks to comments from dear Steemians and their contributions. On Steem I wrote some of the first 'relatively good' travel blogs about the places I visited. And, my knowledge of a foreign language has improved to a great extent thanks to Steem and its users.

Last but not least, I used some of the money earned on the Steem platform to purchase photographic and biking equipment. I recently funded the opening of my personal website at from the same resources.


In short, from Steem I saw a lot of nice and useful.

Unfortunately, what's been happening on Steem lately is the worst-case scenario. Even if I have no opinion on the behavior of SteemInc, when the result of their actions is mass leaving of those who have proven themselves to be great friends and supporters in the previous years, I have no doubts that it is a time to pack suitcases and go.


I really don’t know who they are or what they did for the platform for almost any of the new witnesses, but I know very well who and what have done are those who have been blocked and named enemies of the platform. Even if they are the worst of what is claimed (and in previous years they have shown solely that the benefit of the platform is in their interest first and foremost), censorship is not something to go over easily.


This will surely be the last author's text I wrote for Steem. This will also be the first author's text written for the Hive platform. The future for me is certainly with Hive and some old friends making the same change.

With the launch of power down on the Steem platform, I wish all those who stay on Steem some brighter times and much success. To all of us who switch to Hive, at the very least, I wish the same.

All the best and Steem On Hive On :)


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