Steem isn't going anywhere just because Dan left, it's just evolving. An outsiders look on recent events.steemCreated with Sketch.

in #steem8 years ago (edited)

1. Dan may have been the 'genius' behind the project in many folks eyes, but that doesn't mean Steem can't evolve and thrive.

This happens all over the world all the time, the guy who invented the original idea builds out his company, then after it becomes a different entity he steps aside. This has happened with Steemit, Dan didn't 'resign' because of drama or anything anyone wants you to believe, he has been considering it for a while to pursue his new grand idea.. and thats completely ok. How else can you expect Steemit to evolve from here? The entire platform is slowly becoming less active and it needs a jumpstart quite badly. We only have 5,000 users per day and now with Dan out of the room, the team can really put thier heads together and think up a user focused solution, as opposed to something that fits Dan's mantra of securing life liberty and property. Don't get me wrong, it's a great mantra, but perhaps adhering to 1 mans ideals isn't going to get Steemit Inc to be the company I know it can be. Discovering new horizons and listening to the users will pave a road to a more user friendly, noob friendly version of, which in my opinion is the only way forward. So don't forget, just because Dan has resigned, doesn't mean Steem is doomed.

2. Dan built an idea, it's up to us to foster and grow it. We are the early adopters.

As referenced above and in Dan's final posts, he is going off to build a new project to secure life liberty and property as he wholeheartedly tried to with Steemit. Now Steemit may be an experiment, or it may not be, but either way I can see this idea living on for a very very long time unless Steemit Inc shuts down, and takes the code with it. Dan set us up with the tools to succeed at taking control of a little shred of our rights back, and its up to us to continue along this path.

Remember Steemit is trying to create the future of Social Media, that doesn't mean a drama free, stress free environment, it means that EVERYTHING in the social verse will be fair game to discuss. Which leaves us with the only way to fix our 'current' problem is to do it via the users. Perhaps if we had ways to 'filter' what we read these types of talks would end up being discussed in smaller circle, and not ALL OVER STEEMIT ALL DAY LONG... so take it upon yourself and do something today to make Steemit more welcoming for noobs, less scary and overall better. Blaming the devs won't get you very far..

3. Steemit Inc. has a vested interested in creating a proper ecosystem, give them time.

If Steemit Inc. was just @ned and friend in their garage, I might not say this. But these people have much more to gain, and much more to lose if this project is considered a 'failure', which means even more so than you and I, they want Steemit to succeed. So why are so many people giving these guys such a hard time? Their interests are the same as ours, to see this project through. By attacking them and creating conflict, we create more waste, as opposed to more quality content. 

So just give @Ned and his team a fighting chance, it hasn't even been a year since Steemit's inception and I see many flower covered meadows ahead. Nothing happens over night though.

4. In the meantime... keep calm and Steem on, your wallet will thank you later.

If you were looking for a way to avoid the drama and enjoy Steemit, I have some crazy advice for you; Keep Calm and Steem On. And I totally mean that, everyone has 2 choices with the first choice being to waste their time ranting about Steemit and possibly make a few bucks here and there from the echo chamber group OR you can continue to build your brand within Steemit, keep writing good content, and just enjoy Steemit for what it is, a wonderful social experiment. After months of writing well thought out content I promise you well have more funds than those folks just riding the wave of complaining to get some upvotes. Think longterm.

5. Steemit Inc, please focus on the UX of, even just go ask for a consultation or something because it is sorely lacking and finding anything within is almost impossible, trending it half broken and what not. Just a list of pointers, thanks guys keep rocking on!

Ps; Dan is the man, keep an eye out for his next project, and invest early, odds are he learned a few things since launching this project.


Ps; Dan is the man, keep an eye out for his next project, and invest early, odds are he learned a few things since launching this project.

Great point. I wonder what he will create next.

Something to improve life for all of us! Even if it's just life on a social network, he dreams of helping make the world a better place, so i am happy to see him move onto new projects personally. He's a creator, not a maintainer.

Thanks for all the wonderful upvotes folks! I follow everyone who follows me by the way!

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