[Steem talk] Internal trade Steem and SBD

in #steem5 years ago (edited)

Oftenly, when I share my view of Steem trading between SBD and Steem, I always get the kind of weird look from other people. It's like there's something wrong with my face or they're just way too confuse to understand what am I trying to do. Once again, I'm taking this opportunity to share with you since I have a transaction triggered yesterday.

3 days ago

It was a very warm afternoon when I was chit chatting with a dear friend of mine @futuremind(guess he's having a very chilling evening at the other side of the globe). We'd discussed about how to effectively trade our SBD for Steem. One of the way I always not hesitate to share is, limit orders. Since Steemit platform has a market place, users can do internal trade between us, the more user trading the better our order get filled at the price we want. What I normally do is, park my SBD lower at the nearest 0.05 step. That point of time, market price was 0.46 whilst we're chatting, I choose to buy Steem with 10SBD at 0.45. At the same time, I parked 10Steems at higher at the nearest 0.10 which is sell 10Steem at 0.500. I did not make screenshot that point of time, but the above screenshot I made generally shows how I does it.

  • image.png Here is the prove of creating limit order to buy steem with 10SBD
  • image.png Here is the prove of creating limit order to buy back SBD with 10Steems

2 days ago

It may not get filled in one shot, but surely someday someone would come and take up our order. Let's see how much did we "save" from this limit order transaction.
10SBD / 0.46 = 21.739Steem
10SBD / 0.45 = 22.223Steem
Total savings = 22.223-21.739 = 0.484Steem
Had I choose to liquidate my SBD just few hours, I'm 0.484Steems behind.

23 hours ago

There is no way can we know when SBD will gain strength or weaken. In crypto world, everybody is trying to "judge" it's face value with American dollar, that got us even more confused. Steem price breached $0.50 everybody HODL Steem, but I hop in for SBD? Why? I do not need to know why, because market is our guru. Just because of Steem hike value against USD does not mean SBD is weakening. There's a chance that Steem is also strengthen against SBD. Might as well take this opportunity to save a little SBD back. Now I have 5SBD in hand by spending 10Steem. Let's checkout the current price.
My 5SBD is now worth 10.495Steem.


You see, with or without risking anything, crypto is a crypto. All I care is the amount of ASSET I have and how do I accumulate it. I do not need to care what US Dollar does. Feds can do whatever they want with their USD, all I care is how much Steem or SBD I can have at anyone time. All I care is whether I have enough Steem and SBD to trade with my fellow partners from the blockchain. 0.484+0.495 a total of 0.979steem without doing anything except key in the limit order. You wanna guess what happened to the 5SBD I got back this morning? Did I market buy Steem with that 5SBD? No I didn't. I took some post reward and lump it in for another order of buy Steem at 0.45 with 10SBD. Just before I end this, when will I power up? I don't like to keep my wallet too much "cash" floating around, I always keep a trade balance of below 100Steem and 100SBD anyone time.

I hope you find this useful and be benefit from it. If you need further clarification, feel free to leave me a comment. I will try to explain further and assist you at my very best effort.

I would like to thank all my friends and family who has been supporting me. Feel free to leave me feedback by clicking below yellow banner.





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I better follow you trading strategies

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但系,如果你将法币价值抛开,净係睇 Steem 兑换 SBD ,贬值关我鬼事丫?你贬边样我揸边样,你吹咩? 😂 对于我黎讲,冇风浪咪挂单等收囖。有本事咪突围丫笨🤣

我由旧年三月几一直炸 SBD 炸到九月。唔係我拣喞。係 SBD 价值一直低语于Steem 所以我挂啲单全部中晒,银包一直缩水,揸住成堆冇价值喞 SBD。到咗九月你咪话点解我突然间发福碌脚粗咗咁多喞?因为SBD 升值,啲挂係度等卖喞又出晒货买晒 Steem 😂 老实讲,我已经好几个礼拜冇睇过 Steem 对法币喞汇率喇。睇黎做乜,又唔係攞钱🙂

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You're upping the drama to new levels! Have a DRAMA.

To view or trade DRAMA go to steem-engine.com.

你今天过的开心吗?新人吗?《steemit指南》拿一份吧,以免迷路; 另外一定要去 @team-cn 的新手村看看,超级热闹的大家庭。如果不想再收到我的留言,请回复“取消”。


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帅哥/美女!来 @steemgg 玩游戏吧,决战到天亮假如我的留言打扰到你,请回复“取消”。


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