Amazing Steem for All

in #steem7 years ago

So Steem for most of us is a very weird concept. Its like I get paid to post now and before most bloggers on average would only make a few dollars per week. Why is this, how can Steem be any different. Maybe its time to :

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Yes we are all like the fish leaping away from the crowd only to venture out into the new pond. There is plenty of fresh water and plenty of space to grow in the new pond. What does this all mean, are we living in a bubble that is about to pop. So Crypto coins will have hype times and down times. Right now we are in the hype time and people are rushing to the party, every time it happens it goes off a little longer and at some stage it normalizes. Think of this, Steem and Bitcoin are like tiny boats in the ocean. The ocean is the world economy. Everytime the water pushes the boat it rises very high very fast. Each rise comes back down but then finds a new stability. The boat gets bigger and bigger each time until the waves and water have no impact to very little.

So Steem is like a small boat you will post and get a huge response with some and nothing with others. Its definitely at the early stages, when Bitcoin was only a few cents. So the upside is huge and we know that bitcoin technology has not been taken down and has had exchange nightmares, but it lives on. I am sure Steemit will have its moments of good and bad, but hang in there and work together we can all prosper, right?


ok so back to my original question, where does this money come from. Well if the old system is not prosperous and we find it hard to get US dollars, or I like to call then token stubs then people eject and find something new. Up until Bitcoin there was nothing technology wise that was not controlled and that was reliable and virtual unshakable. So when the old system takes fees, middle men that are publishers or distributers or servers sharing the info they all want a cut. With Steemit there is no middle men its a free society and no one is trying to take a middle man cut, except the masses benefit when I or you write a good post and we vote together. So you can see where this is going right:


We moving to a new paradigm. A paradigm of money being spread more evenly and people benefitting cause they should not cause I am part of a banking family or this is the way it works. Great so we all get this new system. The Question I poss to you all is how can we all help each other? Love to hear comments and suggestions. I really hope this article benefits us as the new Steemit community. Very Excited for the future.


Thanks and agree. I thought it is weird the first i heard about steem and feel like it could be a scum(blame it to so many internet scums nowaday), but i believe it when i see it. Now i am talking to my friends about steem and they find it hard to believe. I guess it is whole new world that we just need to learn without setting restriction to ourself.

yeah I don't bother anymore just enjoy being on here together you rock wilkinshui.

collaboration and use of the platform as a true bearer of quality posts. Each individual bringing their uniqueness to the platform and finding their niche. Finding your niche is really key and bringing value.

The best help we can give each other at first is good curation. Seek out the stuff that interests you, dig down the timeline a little to the posts that are 30 minutes to an hour old. Read something new, make a new friend, upvote a minnow (or 5).

The more we grow the community the better its potential!

Hello, I enjoyed reading your comment. I commend you on this posting. We have to help each other! I added you as a new friend (following). Thank you

Alright..steem so amazing ,that why im very excited for this platform.

Hello, I read your comment. I too am amazed by this platform and software. I am new to the crypto world, also a social media site. I never joined Facebook, however I find this site interesting. I added you to my friend list. Thank you

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