Rockefeller linked fund is actively researching Steem - what could this mean?

in #steem6 years ago

CoinFund which is connected to a Rockefeller linked fund is actively researching Steem. In fact, Steem is the topic most popular with 10 researchers on the task. Since this particular fund has a very good track record it might indicate that Steem has a lot of real world utility. On the other hand research does not guarantee future investment.

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where'd you get the info that they're researching Steem?

didn't see anything about that in the article... or just assuming, as Coinfund is already on here?

Just go to the CoinFund website and you can see it.

#research-steem is popular, with 10 researchers.



Linky no worky for me


They are researching EOS also for sure !


Schermata 2018-04-10 alle 17.54.48.png

I read something about this earlier, it could be very great if they invest for the long haul.

I guess he has seen the potential steemit has, and the future possibilities of it outshining other cryptos.
This could mean well for the community

What's there to research? All of our data since everything is stored forever?

Hi dana,

So is this good for Steem and Steemit for the future growth, you think?

The big boys like Rockefeller usually plan ahead 10 to 30 years so, perhaps they are seeing Steem to last that long...hope so.

I hope he keeps his dirty, blood stained, manipulative fingers out of our amazing platform.

We are separate, decentralised and free from corporate oligarch control for a reason. We have found a better way, a way to nurture and encourage others and have un-popular, non party-line views.

This is a great freedom loving place we have here and it will be sullied when the monied manipulators wade in. We stand for everything that they stand against.

Corporate entities could have taken a far more socio-economic responsibility years ago, but the sheep gotta be fleeced, right?

I hope the equity here on the whole comes from everyman learning, engaging and encouraging the minnows who flood in each day.

I do not want the same people who attacked leeching tentacles to the global financial system here, skewing prices and pre arranged
pump and dump's at will.

Thanks for this, hope your journey is awesome :)

I have seen more reaction to this elsewhere online and the consensus is that it is great economically for the Steem blockchain, but surely we must care about more than just short term profits, right?

Our integrity and ideals with regard to this fabulous place are not for sale, surely.

There is a real world revolution at hand due to the kind of technology being utilised here not only for those of us wishing to hone our skills as writers, journal chroniclers and vloggers but to some of the poorest citizens on the planet.

I just want us all to keep our metaphorical hands clean.

It basically means one thing: BOOM!!!

Steem is finally getting the recognition it deserves. This blockchain is the future.


yes good job i discovered the same thing yesterday on my own going on coinfund site and then searching them here, if you have time give a look at my blog, byby

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