
Then how come hasn't YouTube "killed" DTube already?

How many people are using DTube compared to Youtube?

Not many, but do you think that's because YouTube is so awesome at rewarding its regular users monetarily compared to DTube?

So you think that they will go all in so that they can try to take out steem, despite the fact that steem has gained it's users not just because of rewards but because Facebook censored them and steem in turn is censorship proof..

Posted using Partiko Android

Yes and YouTube also takes a huge cut of that as revenue their users create. Plus they manipulate the algorithms, manipulate the data that determines revenue payouts, and can and will not pay you your cut for a long list of reasons, with little to zero arbitration. Facebook or any other mainstream social media platform will have the chance to do the right thing and pay content creators and users, but history shows that is unlikely. I think they are likely to advertise such features, but will exercise control over the algorithms, data, and the control of if you are paid.

Posted using Partiko iOS

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