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RE: HF20 Update: Restoring Continuity

in #steem6 years ago

Amen, I “will” stop commenting in general.... wait I already have! Much of my commenting was not for my own sake but for the support and encouragement of the authors.

I could care less about the details but I care about the experience, posts get no comments currently. I crave interaction and if I get none I give none simple as that.

Will it get better as they say with adjustments of “normal” behaviour? How can it when some of the most active users have been deterred from interacting “normally” including myself.

I have seen you on nearly ever post I have read without a single solid rebuttal to your statements of “should do” and “will do”. The question remains what do the people in charge want from the Steem chain vs what do the users want?

I want to not worry about another limitation as I struggled for months already to break past the bandwidth limitations and finally get noticed then start interacting at a sufficient level! I made investments, though small as I’m not a wealthy man, which now feel unsatisfactory for the demand of the platform.

Pay to play.... hmm games moved away from this system to something with paid add-ons for good reason but still the full game is available to the user just the challenge of accomplishing the missions are higher without purchases.

This whole thing seems like a convoluted mess if you ask me! Now I’m risking loosing delegations from our community account and my own which will make myself need to pull delegations from dapps and community members so I can continue to post to receive even less interaction from those members whom held my delegations in the first place.

Foresight is essential in business, lack thereof has bankrupted many good companies nearly overnight. The only protection currently is the waiting period to power down.

Posted using Partiko iOS


You said it better than me! I completely agree. I think they are so wrong on this one that they will have no choice but to see it. (and believe me, I don't think they look very hard either)

I'm very happy with the reaction from the people that actually read and respond though... It gives me encouragement that our voices might actually speak out loud enough that someone in power pays attention.

Thank you for making the point I was trying to make even better!

As we all move ahead in 'oneness..."Reversing Forward. Future Is History"

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