AstroCoin Whitepaper - 1st Edition

in #steem5 years ago (edited)

What is AstroCoin?

AstroCoin is a token based on the Steem Blockchain, with the aid of steem-engine.

What does the name AstroCoin mean?

AstroCoin is based on the greek word Astro, according to it means “of stars or celestial bodies, or activities, as spaceflight, taking place outside the earth's atmosphere”. In other words, Astrocoin is not only designed to go to the moon but other galaxies as well. That is the symbology and word association we wish to use to describe it.

What is AstroCoin's purpose and/or utility?

ATC is designed to emulate BTC primarily and in a couple of ways.

  1. By being inefficient for transactions because of its extremely low unit count (420 ATC @ 2 decimal places = 420,000 units).
  2. With total supply so drastically reduced, the theory is that ATC will be extremely rare. And @ an initial selling price of 14 Steem/ATC - the cost to acquire ATC is high from out the gate. ATC is designed to do one thing, go up by appreciation in value.
  3. AstroCoin can never be diluted. This means no airdrops or free giveaways. To get AstroCoin, you must buy AstroCoin, or be given AstroCoin by someone.


Why are the tokens so rare, why is it designed to be LESS efficient than BTC?

Because the token itself is on Steem and the Steem blockchain, it is way more efficient than BTC. Values can be transacted nearly instantaneously as opposed to BTC's 10 minute confirmation times. Transaction fees are near zero. BTC also has more decimal places, which leads to fractional numbers that are hard to grasp for people who are acquainted with a two decimal system (like U.S. Dollars).

BTC is often referred to as a "store of value" due to these design limitations, ATC is designed to be "limited" (rare) in the same sort of way, thus being a store of value, or 'digital gold'.

As of this writing, BTC is trading at $7000 per coin. If I wanted to send you a dollar, it'd be roughly 0.00014 Bitcoin. ATC is initially being sold @ 14 Steem / ATC. There are only ever going to be 420 coins in existence. AstroCoin is designed to be rare and valuable, and to retain its value.


  1. Only 420 coins in existence. No more can ever be created, once they are all issued. That is it, inflation stops, and deflation begins to occur.
  2. Coins will be issued in small doses, and over extended periods through the steem-engine market. None will ever be airdropped or given away in free contests. You can also expect the circulating supply to remain stable and according to the roadmap's intentions.
  3. New coins will only be issued when the sell order from the token founder is filled. Our initial price is 14 Steem for the first issuance of 20 coins. After that, the next sell order will double in price, and the issuance will drop in half. So Issuance #2 will be 10 ATC @ 28 Steem. Theoretically, market value should go UP even though the circulating supply is increasing.

ATC is designed to reward early adopters, enrich HOLD'ers, and punish dumpers, by having a high barrier of entry. We wish to reward those who believe in the project and its design philosophy.

It is well known that people value things that are:

  1. Rare
  2. Expensive

ATC aims to be both rare, and expensive.

So let us imagine that we have three early adopters.

Phase 1: The best phase to get in on.
Adopter #1 is a Swedish man named Sebastian. Sebastian has a wild side and he likes to gamble a little bit, so he is the first to buy a bag of 20 ATC @ 14 Steem per coin. He buys all 20 on the first day.

Adopter #2 is a Chinese woman named Chunhua. Chunhua lives under an oppressed political system and believes in the power of blockchain technology and Steem. She sees AstroCoin as a potentially stable and appreciating store of value. She buys the next issuance of 10 ATC @ 28 Steem per coin. The total circulating supply is now 30 coins. If Sebastian sells now, he makes a small profit, if Chunhua sells now, she makes a loss. Chunhua better HODL those ATC, and if Sebastian is smart, he will too.

Adopter #3 is an Englishman named John. John likes everything crypto. He's bought every coin and project that's ever come out. He's made some mad gains, and he's also had mad losses. He's tired of projects that dump in price all the time. He wishes he could find a coin that would retain and appreciate. He discovers ATC. He buys the next issuance of 5 ATC @ 42 Steem/coin. He now has 25% of the amount of ATC than Sebastian has, and 50% of what Chunhua has. He also spent twice as much to get that. Circulating supply is now 35 coins.

After Phase 1 is complete, we increase the circulating supply a great deal, except the price is now double what it was before. The era of cheap ATC is over. If you didn't get in during this phase, then you missed the opportunity for the greatest potential gains. But no worries, ATC is designed to ascend in value every step of the way.


Phase 2 will go like this:

Issuance #4 - 40 coins issued @ 84 Steem per coin. 75 C.S. / 420 T.S.
Issuance #5 - 40 coins issued @ 126 Steem per coin. 115 C.S. / 420 T.S.
Issuance #6 - 40 coins issued @ 168 Steem per coin. 155 C.S. / 420 T.S.

(As you can see, with every issuance of coins, the price of Steem keeps rising. If Sebastian is still holding his bag at this point, theoretically he should have increased the value of his bag by 12x. However, we still haven't gotten to the fun part yet, the price of entry is about to get exponential.)

Phase 3:

Issuance #7 - 20 coins issued @ 210 Steem per coin. 175 C.S. / 420 T.S.
Issuance #8 - 20 coins issued @ 252 Steem per coin. 195 C.S. / 420 T.S.
Issuance #9 - 20 coins issued @ 294 Steem per coin. 215 C.S./ 420 T.S.

Phase 4:

(at this point based on our simulations we think this could be a period where adopters in the early phases could be quite tempted to dump, so we institute a safeguard by reducing the price of entry during this phase to stay competitive with potentially lower selling prices and so that people are still encouraged to adopt. This is the "middle adoption phase.")

Issuance #10 - 15 coins issued @ 318 Steem per coin. 230 C.S. / 420 T.S.
Issuance #11 - 15 coins issued @ 342 Steem per coin. 245 C.S. / 420 T.S.
Issuance #12 - 15 coins issued @ 366 Steem per coin. 260 C.S. / 420 T.S.

Phase 5:

(We are getting to the "middle-late adoption phase" now, so we need to switch things up. We know people from Phases 1-3 will be tempted to dump because their bags theoretically should have tripled in value or more, thus we will flood the market with a bunch of coins at a stable price, this should shake out the weak hands, and other buys will have the opportunity to pick up some "cheap" ATC.)

Issuance #13 - 100 coins issued @ 400 Steem per coin. 360 C.S. / 420 T.S.

Phase 6:

(Now we have entered the "late adoption phase" we need to mix things up again and shake the market up a bit. People will be very tempted to sell and dump the price, so we will artificially flood the market with a small supply of "cheap" ATC at special prices. This will encourage people to add to their bags, instead of selling them, because this should theoretically cause a drop in price.)

Issuance #14 - 10 coins issued @ 300 Steem per coin. 25% savings over #13. 370 C.S. / 420 T.S.
Issuance #15 - 10 coins issued @ 350 Steem per coin. More savings. 380 C.S. / 420 T.S.
Issuance #16 - 10 coins issued @ 400 Steem per coin. Back to #13. 390 C.S. / 420 T.S.

Phase 7:

(This is where you have your last chance of buying the remaining coins, and at premium prices. There are still potentials for gains here, but not much.)

Issuance #17 - 5 coins issued @ 405 Steem per coin. 395 C.S. / 420 T.S.
Issuance #18 - 5 coins issued @ 410 Steem per coin. 400 C.S. / 420 T.S.
Issuance #19 - 5 coins issued @ 415 Steem per coin. 405 C.S. / 420 T.S.
Issuance #20 - 10 coins issued @ 420 Steem per coin. 415 C.S. / 420 T.S.

The remaining 5 coins will be distributed to the founder, and we do it this way for a variety of reasons:

  1. Instead of the founder giving himself coins, in the beginning, to flood the market and dump with, we give him/her coins at the very end, when the price should theoretically be at it's highest, so the potential for "gains" is minimal. If a dump in the price occurs before that, his/her potential to "game the market" is erased by receiving the very last coins.

  2. 5 coins out of 420 are roughly 1.19% of total supply, not enough to affect the market even if the founder does choose to sell these coins, or more likely - give them away.

The founder of AstroCoin must remind you that you must not expect work or profit from buying AstroCoin. Cryptocurrency is a volatile market, and I am not a financial advisor.

The project has a roadmap, a vision, and an idea that for the duration of the adoption phase the price of the coin can only go up. Whether it will or not, no one will know, we can only do our calculations and simulations and see it logically, but humans are rarely logical.

Now let's assume that Sebastian held his coins to the very end and the price per coin was 420 Steem. He paid 14 Steem originally for his stack of 20 coins. That's 280 Steem. He hypothetically sold them at "the top" of 420 per coin, receiving 8400 Steem. >> The value of his bag went up 600x.<<


If Chunhua held her bag until the end, she could've seen 150x in gains.
If John held his bag until the end, he could've seen 50x in gains.

As you can see, to see the biggest gains, you need to be like Sebastian. And if you can't be Sebastian, then you should be Chenhua or John. And if you can't be them? Phase 2 shows pretty good potential gains between 20x-40x and it only gets less from there. It looks like there is still potential to double or triple your stack by Phase 4 and 5, with only slight profits in Phase 6 and 7.

Remember, early adopters always get the biggest and tastiest slice of the pie, so be like Sebastian and Hold On For Dear Life!

Also don't forget, AstroCoin is not meant to reward those who want to trade, although there are probably some great opportunities for scalping and sniping. It is primarily created to reward HODL'ers.

Since you have a clear outline of total market supply, total circulating supply, and price points every step of the way, it should always give you an incentive to hold on for as long as you can. There will be weak hands, and they will more than likely cry wolf when they sell at low prices or when faith in the project has diminished. Most crypto projects go through a "lull" or crisis at some point in the project, and the weak hands get shaken out.

Astrocoin rewards those with strong hands. Do you have strong hands?

Let me know in the comments. This concludes AstroCoin's 1st Edition White Paper.

Revisions to grammar, spelling, calculations may be altered in the future, however, the Issuance Protocol and all 20 Issuance Phases are Set In Stone, and 'immutable'. They will not be changed no matter how many people cry, comment, or attempt to persuade the founder of Astrocoin, otherwise. Once this whitepaper is posted, those numbers will remain the same, no matter what- even if there are potential strategical or tactical mistakes in them. So let that be known.

ROADMAP TIMELINE- here is a timeline of potential (not set in stone) evolution of AstroCoin

  1. 6 months minimum - 2 years maximum until issuance of final coins.

  2. 0-3 months. Phase 1,2,3 - Website Launched, Memes made, Shillers enlisted

  3. 3-6 months. Phase 4,5,6 - Shilling at maximum engagement levels, sister Cryptocurrency project to Astrocoin unveiled and launched alongside it.

  4. 6-12 months. Phase 7 - Market starts to reach real price discovery, the volume starts happening, AstroCoin becomes a lively, popular, and active entity on Steem-Engine.

These are rough estimates, and things could happen sooner, later, or possibly not at all. Please remember not to have expectations. Hopes are fine, expectations lead to resentments.

The founder strides to uphold the AstroCoin constitution to the best of his ability and to see the project succeed in its endeavors. That is all.

Steem on, friends!

ATC Discord Server - click here for invite!



I like the fact that it's deflationary, and that the founder doesn't give themselves coins 'til the end.

Been watching it on the market lately, I know it's still early, but so far it's only going up in price.

Interesting idea.

Posted via Steemleo | A Decentralized Community for Investors

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