
Yeah.... get ready to buy Hive on Friday

Everyone buying Steem to Hodl for the Hive Airdrop.... we will see Steem spike big time. Then fall to zero on Friday

The question is what’s the play? I’m holding for hive but do you try to flip profit for short term gains.

When Steem spikes like this I just Exchange for SBD in my Steemit wallet.... I made a big mistake yesterday sending 150 Steem to Blocktrades for Ethereum... WOOPS. I think the best idea is to maximize your Steem so that you maximize your Hive airdrop. I try to convert a little to Bitcoin and Ethereum every now and then in case they both drop. And also convert Bitcoin and Ethereum to US$ ... just in case I need some food and Toilet Paper. If everything drops at least I have some food and Toilet Paper.

I raised my cash reserves to cover at least 12 months of expenses last month. I’ve been working to pay down debt and cleared out my credit cards to prep for the recession. My stock portfolios have just been crushed however I’ve got time so not too worried. I’ve started to trade my fun money as well. I think we have tough times coming I’m trying to prep as much as possible. Good luck my friend.

Yeah.... I have 99 % of my savings locked into GICs (CDs) earning 2 1/2 % but I have a line of credit that will be almost 0% ... I bought a little ModeRNA, Clorox, Loblaws, Costco and Walmart in case this lasts a long time. Everyone will need food and bleach.

Good call. Reits got crushed so I’m looking to leg in. My core holding Netflix, Apple, AMD, T, Amazon are all get buys as we go down.

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.16
TRX 0.15
JST 0.028
BTC 58333.83
ETH 2280.23
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.50