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RE: Look at @haejin wasting his time attacking rather than providing advice!

in #steem7 years ago

What i now is that @haejin shares such infos and Chart TA that earned me thousands of dollars, for free.

So F..k Bernie Sanders and all of his friends, and whatever they write or do in Steemit.
Everybody just please do your duty and upvode Haejin who is such a good man that made profits to random people for free, and just downvote and red flag this Trolls, haters, evil, sneacky, malicious people!! Good vs Blamer (Be lamer)


Ok, so who's this guy @haejin and why are my fellow romanians defending him? Guys, I want answers! Repede! :))

I do not take the defense of any of them just because their posts are always hot and I was curious what is written through these posts and I saw that nothing really interesting and that this man is attacking the hadji who posts bitcoin buying strategies and makes a lot of money
so in principle the two make the most money by posting something good and the other posting attacks on him
money for nothing I say

@BERNIESANDERS started FLAGGING ALL @Haejins post because he was earning to much money. @HAEJIN earned all of it, he now has 17,900 Twitter followers that join Steemit just for him. @Bernie Sanders has fake accounts he created, robots, and flags @HAEJIN and anyone who speaks up against what @BERNIESANDERS is doing. He started this but what he will soon learn is that @Haejin has his Twitter and steem followers growing at a ENORMOUS rate. When they come on here and start FLAGGING this losers he will lose a lot of money. The bastards should just back off and let real accounts, not robots vote how they wish. If anyone is rapping the rewards pool it's this loser with him owniing more than 60 fake accounts. He did not stop giving advice he took of 1 day for Christmas. If anyone is a pathetic bastards it would be he who creates fake accounts and flags just because he is a greedy bitch! He should backoff before its to lat e and he loses all his money he FRAUDULENTLY EARNED with fake accounts. I mean they giy has -18 rating does that not say ENOUGH of how much of an asshole he is...

Yeah i dont get why you would upvote his kinda useless posts that much ... oh yeah i forgot he upvotes himself with his own accounts :D How silly of me

so, @cristiangaina, you're basically admitting to being a leech off of @haejin's talents and you expect the rest of the community to pay him because you're too cheap to reach in your pocket and pay the guy for the information you have profited from?

You even call it our duty to support you being a leech?

Gee, no wonder @berniesanders flags the hell out of folks like you.

Fun fact #1 on Steemit.. when you are willing to accept those upvotes, you also have to be willing to accept receiving downvotes.

Fun fact #2 on Steemit.. those rewards are not anyone's rewards until they are paid out. Until then... reffer to Fun fact #1

Repeat until you get the clue.

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