The Balancing Act that is life...

in #steem6 years ago

Sometimes you just gotta kick back and enjoy the little.... The Big things

So I have recently come to realize I have both too much free time, and yet at the same time not enough. I have been balancing my life pretty finely, between socializing, acting, personal leisure, dating, work, and blogging. Now that on the surface seems like my time is way more then accounted for but lets really boil this down.

Monday: So Monday, is my friends night, so this is actually a pretty open day for me. Get up at 7:00 Am, do 3 hours of reading to keep up with the crypto world and politics as best as possible. Typically followed by 20 minutes of exercise and writing my blog posts for the day. They 5:00 Rolls around and I go gaming into the evening and typically am done socializing around 12:00

Tuesday: I have the typical morning routine, but I don't have to be anywhere till 7:00 which is my acting rehearsal and that goes until 10:00

Wednesday: Same routine in the morning but nothing really throughout the day

Thursday: Same routine in the morning but nothing really throughout the day
Friday: Same routine in the morning but nothing really throughout the day
Saturday: Normal morning Routine, usually start Date Night at around 5:00 goes till noon the next day
Sunday: Late start on the day but again really not much to do.

But then with my normal commitments, I have other odd commitments, I have to do during the week at random points in the day. I have to periodically go into my part time job to help out, usually with very little notice, so certain days can fill up really quickly. I have been recently filling up some of my extra days off searching for a new part time job to go along side my schedule. I feel like I have a combination of too much and too little free time at the same point. I want a fill up my schedule with something extra but I fear it will start to effect everything else at the same time. I typically find unique ways to make money through-out the week with free lance acting. I save a lot by eating in, I am just not exactly sure where that fine line in the sand is typically drawn. I remember back when I was working 50-60 hour weeks, and had somehow managed to do all of the other stuff at the same time. But the biggest thing it had always affected was my dating life. Trying to get 2 extremely busy people together is a nightmare and is how a relationship will slowly deteriorate.

Just a rant, I suck at prioritizing time let me know, how you guys manage to do everything. I know giving up sleep is always an option :p


Hmm, I think that is the reality of the world we live in now. Competition is so high that there is little room for other things that are as much important such keeping a relationship

Lols, you guys will definitely find time for each other, don't worry. You schedules are busy as mine but sometimes I find out way to just enjoy myself as you did

It's what I do I am a worrier but, I am not typically a high stressed individual! So it works out

I just let things come and mostly do what I want to do when I want to do it.
In general it comes down to 5-6 hours working per day in 2 or 3 parts.

Thank God I don't have an offive job anymore.

breathing text.jpg

I don't think I could make a full time wage off of just Steemit. These days everything is so expensive...

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