How does SteemIt work? (for natural blondes, like me) Cora explains it all…

in #steem7 years ago

Hi everybody!


So, due to my total ignorance of how this all actually works, I did some digging and googling, and decided to put it all into some sort of perspective, for others who, like me, basically have no clue.
So first of, Steemit is a social network. Pretty much like all other social networks, with the huge difference that Steemit remunerates content creators, as well as all the people who comment and like (upvote). I think that’s awesome, considering Instagram is trying to make me pay for advertisements to have my content seen. But a few questions did pop up…

Where does the money come from?
If we can just agree that blockchain-based software is not easily corrupted, then adding to that as a whole naturally increases the net worth of the whole, yes? That’s basically it, right? By creating unique content, I add worth. That’s all I really need to know, anyways… Paper currency is mostly a shared dream anyways, it has a certain worth, because we all dream the same dream. So now, we’re all dreaming this dream. Fine with me.

What’s the difference between all the Steem Thingies?

Steem are like stock options, bought and sold on the open market. Because more are created everyday, they loose worth, so you shouldn’t save too many.

… is like investing in the company. You get a piece of the pie, which continually grows in worth…
Half of what you receive for your posts is in SteemPower.

Steem Dollars
… are a real currency. You can cash out, but it’s smarter to keep your money in the network, because then it kinda earns interest and grows in worth, like a savings account.

So, thats Cora explains SteemIt. How did I do? I’m a hopeless case with money and investments, I just want people to feel happy and do yoga, so I did ok. I’m sure most of you are laughing your butts off, because there’s a load more to it, but for people like me, who are here for the community, this works just fine :)

Have a wonderful New Years Eve, everyone!


Ich habe mich am Anfang auch damit auseinander gesetzt. Ich finde es ist wichtig alles zu verstehen. Wir sind hier Investoren und können das Geld nicht in etwas stecken, was wir nicht verstehen.

You always look back and think why didn't I know that at the beginning, lol! I still pick new tricks along the way and probably will continue to do so! Noone shares anything to improve the experience and make your life easier unless you go and get it yourself!

Nice piece of writing for beginners like myself...

Nice piece of writing for beginners like myself...

Hello, nice article you wrote here.

I am also a newbie here.... I belief we can learn things by doing them and I hope it is not more difficult than learning yoga... that is really good post for the newbie...

Thanks for sharing, I appreciate your openness about not fully knowing all the details! And it's good to hear your simple explanations. It's nice to know others here are working to figure it all out like me. I've been doing lots of research too!

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