I started to promote steem in quora.com and I'm promoting it everywhere I can !

in #steem5 years ago


I've been on steem for more than 2 years and I always did my best to promote it.

Youtube promotion :

First of all, I was always creating videos on youtube and uploading them here : https://www.youtube.com/c/clixmoney

I have 929 subscribers there !

Then I decided to convert my Russian youtube channel into steem channel and I called it ''Steem evangelist'' : https://www.youtube.com/user/zone9snouci

Then I've created a channel for our @dcooperation community to share their cool collaborations we create to promote steem : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJMIn5XRwlJhgQG7NLA-59A

I also created recently two youtube channels, one to just upload fun videos and I called that ''Steem & Fun'' and an other one where I will upload crazy videos to make the channel go viral and promote steem there, it's ''Crazy Clix''

Facebook promotion :

In facebook before joining steem I was very active joining a lot of crypto groups and looking for the best project to join.

I was actively commenting and sharing in other groups and respecting their rules when suddenly facebook proposed to me to be an admin of one big crypto group. So, I accepted and I converted the group into steemit group, where a lot of steemians were sharing their links and then I created a service called that ''Steemit for Resteem'' and then I just converted the group into ''Steem Blockchain'' group to promote there anything related to steem.

Here is the link to the group : https://www.facebook.com/groups/clixmoney/

Twitter promotion :

The frist year of being in steem I was sharing almost all steemit posts in twitter. I was clicking in the button under the post to share the link everywhere I can. But after a year of promotion that way, twitter decided to block me from there and they removed all my content and followers, here is the link to that page : https://twitter.com/Clixmoney

Then I joined @dtube and start making a lot of videos on it. In that time @nathanmars noticed the potential of dtubers and he created a movement called ''Dtube snap'', a lot of dtubers supported him in that and they are now supporting #seven77 , the other project created by him. So, he stopped ''Dtube snap'' and started the big movement in twitter where even powerful leaders in steem joined like @andrarchy and whales like @exyle and @theycallmedan.

So, I decided to comeback to twitter because we promote there steem as a very big community and a lot of people are joining that movement.

Here is my new twitter page now : https://twitter.com/Clixmoney1

I'm not that mad at twitter because maybe I was doing a mistake by just sharing links without writing anything there.

Now, I learned a lot about twitter and I do my best to not break any rules there to not be blocked again.

Reddit promotion :

In reddit I also shared a lot of steemit links, but they never blocked me there for that : https://www.reddit.com/user/bsadel

I learned about reddit a bit, so they have a thing that's called subreddit and it's something like a tag in steem, or like a group in facebook. So, I supported there subreddits like ''steem'', ''steemit'',''dtube''.

I try to join it sometimes to just make my account a bit active because I don't have that much time for that.

Medium promotion :

In medium I'm not that active, but I have a page there : https://medium.com/@clixsensemoney3

I will try to write some articles there in the future.

Forums promotion :

There are a lot of forums online about earning money and investment and crypto. I'm registred in a lot of them. So, I try to find there topics about steem and share my positive feedback about steem, or I just help people there if they have any misunderstanding about it.

Quora promotion :

Now thanks to @theycallmedan I decided to be active in quora.com as well.

If you don't know, quora is one of the most popular websites where people ask questions and get answers.

Now it's possible there even to write posts and to create communities.

The one that @theycallmedan created recently is ''Steemian Roundup''.

It's a group for ''Teaching people who are new to blockchain about Steem.''

Join it here : https://www.quora.com/q/otycmrjbbhahuqae

I also wrote a cool post there, here is the screenshot :


I also asked this question there Do you know what's steem? to make #quora community wander.

That's why I like what @paulag , she is also actively promoting steem everywhere.

I like the new movement of @whatsup that's called #newsteem to make us build on it.

I like what @fitinfun is doing in twitter with her great movement there.

This post is to make more steemians help me in my mission of promoting steem and it's a mission for everyone here, so I will tag some cool steemians to help me spread this : @gtg , @timcliff , @streetstyle , @freecrypto , @josediccus , @dmilliz, @blind-spot, @priyanarc.

Steem to the moon !


This is nice idea. I join you bro in this initiative. I have Quora account but never used much. Now is the time to use it to promote our STEEM.

That's great, let's do it and make steem great again. ☺

What is great is doing what your heart tell you to do. :)

Posted using Partiko Android

Yeah, I'm sure steem will grow in the price in the future, we just need to be more patient and to attract more investors. We just need exceptional ideas and we need to support those who are doing something good in it.

Thank you for the mention. @clixmoney. I am trying hard in many ways on steem. I promote daily on twitter and fb, but my primary focus is to help small fish grow with minnow tips and individual help.

Today I am discouraged, and I really appreciate this boost from you.

You're very welcome. Don't be discouraged, just keep working hard. Now we have much more communities created and we can earn not only steem, but a lot of interesting tokens. I hope that will help you somehow. I wish you all the best, you really deserve it. ☺

Thank you very much, @clixmoney. I cannot pay my rent due yesterday and now with this cloudflare thing I have almost no wifi time left and the dApps I use are down since they cannot get through the firewall. It's not looking good for me right now.

I think you can work online at the same time. There are a lot of freelancing websites like upwork, and others where you can earn enough to pay your bills. You can earn from writing, translating and a lot. Don't count only on steem, it's mostly for investors.

I have tried various freelance platforms, including upwork - I got nothing for a lot of effort. Do you work on them? Tell me your secrets if you do.

I have no second language. I am not a typist who can do transcription. I hunt and peck.

I've been living of steem since Dec 2017. Maybe it has come to an end.

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