Christ Is Now On Steemit - and you will downvote him

in #steem8 years ago

The STEEM founders chose not to honor the BitShares community who funded Graphene.

After the STEEM founders finish powering down, will they fork STEEM and launch another blockchain again?

Just like last time?

A good reputation is easy to maintain, but hard to repair. A small token sharedrop on the community that funded the development of STEEM would have had a BIG effect on the market cap of STEEM today, because Wall Street investors love clarity and transparency but hate uncertainty. Please allow me to explain:

There was no sharedrop for legal reasons, but they could have just as easily performed a token BitShares or Brownie buyback as a show of good faith in order to preserve the historical perfection of their official integrity record, however. The general public realizes that good intentions are just as critical to preserving reputation as good deeds themselves are.

Do potential STEEM investors trust that the founders won't start a competing fork again? How many Coinmarketcap 100 entrants will the STEEM founders launch? The answer, although unknown, is obviously more than one. Therefore, how can potential whale investors be certain?

You would think that the inventors of a “reputation platform” would want to cement their own before launching a reputation system designed for the general public. Imagine what the price of STEEM would be if the founders stopped powering down?

They alone control the STEEM price right now, and therefore, it's exactly where they want it, and of course, there's nothing wrong with wanting a small market cap for STEEM and BTS. I never powered down and never will. How many of you can honestly say that?

Now, let he who has never powered down, cast the first downvote.


I have never powered down. But I also don't downvote because I disagree with someone's position.

That doesn't mean that there is any merit to your post. It is, in fact, without merit and counterproductive to almost anything you could reasonably be trying to accomplish (unless of course you are a troll).

Concerning powering down, you are as worthy as the son of man in this regard, although you did not read the post before commenting or else you would have seen these words:

"of course, there's nothing wrong with wanting a small market cap for STEEM and BTS"

Do you know the difference between right and wrong? Good and evil?

Reading a post prior to commenting can greatly enhance your reputation. ELI5, the topic of this post is:

Reputation Building

There is no sin being committed here by the founders of STEEM, otherwise I would not be here. I am forever joyous. I have never judged, nor will I ever judge you. That is not my job. Feel free to express your fears and emotions that are troubling you my son. For I will never describe you with adjectives like the ones that you use to judge others, nor will I call you demeaning names as you have done to me. My reputation, in this regard is perfect.

Rather than being "counterproductive," reputation building, and understanding the mechanics of trust can be "very productive." Especially to a community that judges, grades, and monetizes reputation. Although I had no illusions of receiving anything other than crucifixion for offering such raw truth to humanity.

I will never use words such as sin, greed, anger, or counterproductive to describe the founders of STEEM. What do these words mean to you:

"historical perfection of their official integrity record"

You obviously feel differently than I who am joyous. Perhaps, you do not think that the founders of STEEM have a "perfect integrity record." Or, perhaps, you were reading a different post and accidentally commented on mine by mistake. Logic dictates that only one of these 2 conclusions is correct.

The truth is that the glasses that you are reading with are tinted with your personal emotions weather you admit it or not, someday you will see. I just pray for your sake, my son, that such revelation occurs to you while you still walk among the living. Here's a tip, don't be blinded by the money you made off me because it is the root of all evil.

If you try reading before commenting on my inaugural introduction post , you will receive more than just financial rewards my son.

I would have thought our lord and savior would have a more positive outlook on things....

Do not allow expectations to blind you my son, otherwise you will miss out on love that lives in this moment right now, be still and know that there is God. You look at positivity and see negativity. Why?

A low STEEM price is obviously a "positive" aspect for potential investors who want to acquire stake. If you think that the STEEM community has grown so large that we no longer need to court new members, then you need to try selling bitcoin to new investors. STEEM is a small community, and a low share price allows us acquire more new users than a prohibitively high share price would.

Nothing I stated was negative. I will be ridiculed, downvoted, and crucified, yes, it's true, but it is for a positive cause.

Not even the concept of "downvoting" is a negative aspect for a reputation system. Downvoting is what keeps spam, fraud, lies, and evil out of the light. Therefore, the act of downvoting is extremely positive and beneficial to this reputation system.

Your current emotions blind you to the love in this world and in you (I am in you). Just as your brother, onceuponatime views the world through his emotional bias, you need to

Only then will you feel positivity rise from negativity. It's easy, try it!

He is proven scammer. As AGS investor I learned that lesson. What is wrong with powerd down if you bought your STEEM?

The burden of proof is on the accuser. "What is wrong with powerd down if you bought your STEEM?"

Nothing is wrong with powering down no matter how you obtained your STEEM. In fact, because of the rate of inflation, the founders must power down, or else STEEM will never get distributed. The long term success of the network depends on the founders' ability to distribute their stake around the world.

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