Little Minnows Not Welcomed?

in #steem8 years ago (edited)

I've only been here a short while but I am already noticing a posting pattern among blogs. It seems that those who have a higher reputation will congregate to the posts who's author also has a high reputation. I rarely see high rep people post on little minnow posts. Now I understand little minnow post shouldn't be receiving tons and tons of attention and lots and lots of posts from higher ups but I figured I would have see a few here and there by now (well much more than I have). It's kinda like they are going out of there way not to post on the little minnow posts. Why?

Which leads me to this question. Now as I said above I'm new and don't understand the mechanics fully yet but are these high rep people afraid of losing rep by posting on little minnow posts? Will the little minnow post's suck the wind from higher up's sails if they post to much on lesser rated authors? Will the little minnows drag them down if they show their face in our shallow pools? If the higher ups show up on smaller posts do they "give" some of their rep to the little minnow?

Thanks in advance to anyone that would like to school us on how this works, I understand in having to work hard to get a good rep but I hope there's not a mechanic in place that makes higher ups want to avoid the lesser content by fear of losing their own rep.



Hi and welcome to Steemit! I've been on here for about 3 weeks or so and I'll try to answer some of your questions, although the best way to learn is go into the #steemit category and search through the articles (there's some controversy on the way the voting system works right now and lots of members are sharing ideas and suggestions).

High rep members (whales who have a lot of Steem Power) and all members in general do not lose rep points for upvoting. You can only lose reputation if people downvote your post aka mark it as abusive or not valuable. Your reputation is based on lots of factors but basically shows how popular your posts are.

There is no cost to upvoting except that if you vote more than 20-30 times a day, each of your votes will be worth less. So say you have 100% of your votes and you vote one 4 posts. That means your vote is distributed 4 times and 25% of what your vote is worth (which depends on your steem power amount) will go to each article/comment. If you vote 10 times, then obviously each post will receive 10%, etc. (this might need a little more research, there are posts that get into the trchincal details of distribution that are a bit beyond my scope of understanding).

This follows the logic that if big whales upvote a post, their vote will be worth more and the author as well as anyone else who is up-voting the post will get a bigger amount of steem dollars and steem power. It seems like most whales are upvoting content that is probably already in their feed, and many users are encouraging them to spread their reading wings and try to find new authors and new posts to upvote.

So it has nothing to do with rep, but probably just has to do with humans not having enough time to upvote lots of new posts or keeping to the authors they already have a developed relationship with.

Just keep posting great content, engage and comment and upvote other people's posts and hopefully a whale will notice you and like some of your work. In the meantime, as you learn more about steemit, yoi can share yoir thoughts on how to improve the system so there is a more equal distribution of power. :)

Thanks for taking the time to explain all that, really helpful :)

Hang In There
Steemit Is Still In Beta
I understand, believe Me
You Have A Good Score @ 40
Post Good Content
Use 5 #hashtags
#minnowsunite is for minnows
Post Pictures
This Will help You Get Some Steem
I am Hoping That steemit Will Require Whales To UpVote
To Minnows With A % Of Their Votes,
Even One Up vote A Day From A Whale To A minnow =
7 minnows helped Per Week
Work As Hard As You Can To Get Followers To
Because When You Post,
Your Blog Will Show Up In Their Feed
And That Gives Them The opportunity To
Upvote & Comment On Your Post
I Know How You Feel Though
Hope By us Minnows Posting Our Concerns
That This Can Help Admin Tweak As They
Are Still In Beta

Hey anns, work hard and make great original content I get that. I was more curious if there was a mechanic that sucked the rep from a whales sail if they visited and commented on a lesser's post.

Good Point
Lots Of Good Points In
The Comments Here Now
My Goal Is To Tell People About
Steemit And Get Them To Sign Up

Whales have no financial incentive to find valuable minnows. Their upvotes are really just bets that a certain post will do well, and that's usually based on an author's past experience doing well. But it's not really unfair that the whales have no incentive to find minnows. It's the minnow's job to stand out and attract attention. Unfortunately, you can't do that by posting quality content. The only way to do it is to read the content of others and create relationships with people whose content you like. People who do that consistently will grow, and some will grow to whale status. But I really think that over the next year you'll see competition force down the size of these whales. (Unless they develop some sort of government that can provide them protection from that competition.)

I've been studying how things seem to work around here, and I get the strong impression a lot of networking goes on behind the scenes, as the same people are the ones who are continually trending at the top of the list.

I'm not complaining by any means. I'm having a lovely experience here, and have been on the trending page a few times myself. I just notice the top trenders are almost always the same people, which makes me wonder about behind-the-scenes networking.

I'm thinking that as well, I think a lot of you scratch my back and I'll scratch yours is going on...

lol, The Inner Steem Circle, Once In Never Out :)

People read what interests them dont think they mean anything by it. Anyway welcome and nice to meet you :)

Thanks Karen :)

Your welcome :)

think long term at the moment we have 50 whales and thousands of posts going p everyday, there is no way they an see them all.
Keep doing what your doing build that following add pictures to your posts it makes them more noticeable.
pick a niche if you can (especially if you can find one no one else or very few people are doing it helps a lot)
use steemit chat to promote your posts and talk to other people.
and comment on other peoples posts to I know quite a few people here who make more commenting on posts than they do writing.

Thanks Phoenix :)

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