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RE: As the value of Steem continues to drop, should more focus be placed on the lack of Commercial Awareness in the Steem Community. With Steem heading for <$0.08 surely I must be taken more seriously now?

in #steem5 years ago

I’ve invested in a number of other alts and while steem hasn’t given me much compared to the others in terms of money it is still one of the most functional chains around

I do think once This SMT business is sorted and the RC pool so we can damn well start onboarding without steemit inc will give us real ammo to go forward

I’ve also been saying we need an enterprise onboarding firm like consensus does with ETh! They help with developer tools and getting businessss on chain help them secure funds and show them how to use the chain and provide support

Onboarding a business or two a month to lock up steem to access the chains resources would quickly rump up the price!

I don’t mind the low prices at the moment since I’m pretty greedy for stake! I believe in the crypto space and any additional satoshi I can get my hands on I’m grabbing


Onboarding a business or two a month to lock up steem to access the chains resources would quickly rump up the price!

Nailed it.!!

#Steem is a very powerful voting and rewards distribution system and I don't believe it's full potential is being promoted from a commercial perspective.


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