Charlie Shrems Crypto Slang Glossary - Let's Create a Steem Glossary! Paying $1 SBD Per Entry

in #steem8 years ago


Over the years I compiled a list of slang words to help my friends and family navigate the crypto and internet forums. This list was started around Bitcoin but expanded to apply to Altcoins and general internet related definitions

There are many Bitcoin and Altcoin Glossaries but they don't include many of the slang words we use.

Let's expand this to Steem and create a Steem Glossary for new users. I've already started compiling a list of words and phrases

I will pay a bounty of $1 SBD to every entry. Post your entry and definition below and I will compile, edit, and add to the spreadsheet. After this post is paid out, the SBD for all entries will be paid out and you will get credit for helping to put it together, users can post more than 1 entry!

Here is my Crypto Slang Dictionary:

Screen Shot 2016-09-06 at 1.21.16 PM.png


I found this one on the Urban Dictionary:


Past participle of verb, past tense of verb. To be conned; to be taken advantage of; to have the wool pulled over ones eyes; to be treated as a naive fool; to have believed something that is false; to be struck with adversity.

Synonyms: Munsoned, Deceived, Skinned, Scammed, GAWed, Screwed, Bamboozled, Garza'd, Bilked, Hoodwinked, Cheated, Fooled, Swindled, Fucked, Joshed, Jacked, Hosed, Hoaxed, Hornswaggled, Burned, Defrauded, Boned, Clowned, Homeroed, Tricked, Mislead, Duped, Double-Crossed, Ripped Off, Welched, Chumped, MtGoxed, Muggled, Stranded, Marooned.

  1. Bill was Paycoined into buying a junker by a slimy used car salesman.
  2. Jack thought he had the world by the tail, until he found out he had been Paycoined into putting his life savings into a Ponzi scheme.
  3. Josh lived a lavish lifestyle with money he Paycoined from investors.
  4. Dude, I got fucking Paycoined out in the middle of BFE when I ran out of gas last night.

From my earlier post :)

#steemchain : The food chain that you can trust.

#steemout: ... the middlemen and maintain value for money by selling direct.

steemaddict : You know who you are....

steempreneur : You. The serial game-theoretic strategist taking on financial risks in the hope of more steem.

steemrace : That rat race to reach the top of trending page.

steembazaar : That ultimate craigslist like marketplace we dream of

steemsleep : Refers to a poly-phasic sleeping pattern of an (human) steemaddict. Time is a precoius commodity in the steemchain; so is staying awake.

steemresume : Summary of your experience and skills; at least more-than 10 pages or a load of content.
steemwala: Seamless transfer of value between you and the rest of the world;

steemlife : The life circa may-july 2016.

Steemulans --> "stimulated" users who are bullish about and idea behind :

steemcleaners – active users who are fighting against Plagiarism and abuse on steem

IIRC = if i remeber correctly
AFAIK = as far as i know
KISS = keep it simple & stupid
SWOT = Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threads


Silent But Deadly

A creeper, a floating air bisquit. A fart that can not be heard but can sure as hell be smelt.

mrron: a unverified puppet shill account using mostly auto-generated content that gets upvoted by whales until it is found out and replaced by a newer one

Wang = the very first bot on Steemit, who started to get a bit sentinent because in addition to upvoting introduction posts, he used to post a helpful comment with a list of faq links. Lots of delighted noobs tried to have a conversation with him!

Very true, don't forget to mention that this bot earned more than $1 000 000 in curation rewards ;)

Whale-bot = whales voting automatically using bots

2FA: Two factor authentication
MFA: Multi-factor authentication

bagholder: person who buys a cryptocoin while the price is high and refuses to sell on the way down, he ends up never selling the coins and "bagholding" them forever!

Trollbox: An online chatroom for crypto traders

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