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RE: Review of "Steem 0.17 Change Proposal Introduction"

in #steem8 years ago (edited)

I saw this post first as it is in my feed. I commented on the original reply. For those that did not see that, here is what I said:

I read your post first but voted here as the context of the commentary was interesting and added to my viewpoint. Your post has many valid points. Here are my thoughts

Payout cycle. I think the 24 hour cycle reinforces the 4 posts a day process. It forces me to write at least one post per day. I have tested also promoting a post in the last few hours of a cycle - I cannot say it has made a difference. However, I do feel the limited payout cycle makes promotion more compelling
Editing posts is gong to introduce a level of complexity ad it goes against the blockchain idea. I could write a post with a compelling argument and collect a good reward. Then come back a few days later and change the argument (or simply just add the other side of the argument) to collect more. One can always make your edits as a comment - I know I need to do a few of those on my orchid posts as I got some technical names wrong. This will be subject to nesting limits, though. Whatever happens, the editing time limit must be the same as the first payout cycle - that reduces the gaming
Nesting of comments bothers me sometimes when we get a really good post that provokes debate. One wants to add to the debate and the nesting gets in the way.
Comment pool payout: The best ideas come when they build on other peoples ideas. Putting in a big effort into a comment and not getting rewarded is disappointing. Watching a disproportionate reward going to a comment that adds no value is equally disappointing. My guess is we will only find the right balance by tweaking and testing. Instinct tells me that 38% is going to be way too high - it is going to unleash an army of smart AI comment bots delivering spun comments. By the same token, the current system is discouraging people form adding value to a post - rather write a new post. I know I did a great comment yesterday that would have been better as a post. (The comment added more value than the original post)

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