Proposal: For quality content sake - REMOVAL of all UpVote buttons on the listing pages

in #steem8 years ago (edited)

Steemit, in my opinion, has to change this if they want to promote quality content. Having a UpVote button on the listings pages enables the possibility of doing an Upvote even without viewing the post / article.

If #steemit really wants to promote quality content and #fair upvotes, then it should only be possible to upvote withing the post (as it is right now). I know a lot of users are clicking and clicking without even care about content and for the ones that are doing this, steemit has to make it hard for them to keep this method of upvoting / no reading.

This does not solve this problem but I'm sure it will help steemit as well users and content creators.

Oh the time and cost implementations for that.... Oh well, it's the easiest thing...

Simply remove the upvote button from the listings!

Post Publishing edit: On the image it's the "trending" listing but this remarks are towards ALL the front listing pages, if it is a listing, then no upvote buttons. IT should be only possible to upvote WITHING posts / articles.

If you agree with this, please make an upvote to make this post go on notice!


It would force people to read sure, but it will definitely lower the number of upvote for everyone..

I prefer lower number and a #fair system with rewards to quality content

I agree with you, but it will probably slow down the incentive to come on Steemit

It might decrease the overall number of upvotes, but each upvote will be that much more powerful as a result. Voting power decreases over time. So if you vote too much, you might be doing a disservice to the authors that you feel should be rewarded most. A balanced approach is most effective.

But the way it is now, makes it possible to vote without even reading the content. Makes no sense.....
Content should be the King, not the headlines!

Agree with you.

It's been discussed but no clear conclusion have been reached yet.
I also proposed a "read content" verification type of word...I dunno, something. It's too easy to "curate" by just clicking the arrow..

We;'ll see. I'm sure things will change, we're in beta = testing.

But why not remove the button? or it's like the honeypot to call the flies?

no idea. maybe we'll have a week testing no button. I tghink that would be a good idea. Or maybe a special button..
I'd also think that no upvote button on main trending would be great, because it tends to inflate those;'s great, but also send too much money into 1-post type. Sure, you should still have the option to upvote but it must mean you actually like t so much you want to upvote not that you see it's popular...what do you think?

Yes, by removing the upvotes on the listing we should see a less concentration of upvotes in my opinion. Using the upvote only inside the posts it's the best way to keep away or make it harder to vote without reading.

There's a backend safeguard against people vomit-voting: every vote you cast reduces your "voting power", so if you vote for every single thing your votes end up counting for nothing.

usually people tend to follow trends, and this leads to upvote concentration on a few post and I belive that 80% of good content is going under the radar.

Damn great idea! I love when a solution its so easy and obvious.

To the topic voting: I like to invite you all reading this article where i lay down the mechanics of making money by voting early.

Agree. It should be done.

I agree. They should also introduce the minimum time limit for having the post open. Like 2 minutes. If you have the post open for less than 2 minutes, then upvoting option should be disabled for you. Also, it should not be allowed to have more than 3 posts (browser tabs with different posts) open at any time :-)

Yes, it should be also a limiter regarding the time between votes... if one has to read a content, it's stupid to have this voting system that enables the "CLICK CLICK CLICK CLICK" in 5 seconds I upvoted 5 posts without even reading the headlines...

I don't know anyone that can read or have an opinion of a post in half a second, and the platform SHOULD not allow this.

I think that it would be better to actually take the voting buttons off the front page altogether, and keep the ones that are already between the commenting and the bottom of the story.

Anyway, smart design observation!

that what I'm saying.. you could only vote withing the post / article
maybe I didn't make it clear above...

And thanks, I'm a designer and UX / UI is a no brainer for me, don't know how no one pointed this out earlier..

Upvoted :-))

Simple, but powerful. I think it's a great idea.

I just wish more people saw this... but no boobs, no visibility! :X

Although especialy today there is more diversity content on the trending page, i believe this is a good idea.

yep! thanks for your time ;)

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