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RE: 3+ Year Circle Jerk Anniversary 🥳

in #steem5 years ago

I have said several times in my YouTube videos that STEEM has a ton of issues. The reason I'm bashing it is because I give my thoughts on different crypto projects and personally I think it is financially wreckless to chase profitability on here when there were so many inherent issues that were never addressed.

Also it is frustrating for all content creators to find out that the platform really has nothing to do with content. Steemit Inc could have easily solved the situation by making the trending page a product of several different criteria. Amount of Upvotes, Amount of Comments, A base level reputation level of the creator, average reputation level of all upvotes......etc. Some sort of way to make the best content rise to the top. Instead they just have kept the Trending as purely Stake Weight which was another crucial mistake they let go on for years.

Personally I don't think we are early in the game. We were early with this in 2016 and it had so much potential. At this point slipping from 3rd on CoinMarketCap to 81st doesn't make people feel confident that they should place their money here. 6 months is an eternity in crypto. It is sort of like expecting a project like NXT to come back. It was a great project back in 2014 / 2015 but we can't really expect it to rise up to the top 20 again.

I don't know why Block One announced Voice without actually rolling out the app / site during the announcement. So yeah that was a disappointment and the fact they are saying they are going to do KYC is a huge blow in my mind. I don't think that is going to work because even guys like me don't want to go through it and I was a mentor for their hackathons in Sydney and San Francisco. As far as the price action I'm not too tripped out because I'm just going to keep stacking and I feel that our next window will be after September. Ultimately Voice isn't everything that EOS is. There are tons of other projects going on that people are interested in like Prospectors. Yeah we would all wish the price would surge more and get back to all time highs but it is going to take some more time. It is already way ahead of STEEM as far as being listed on Kraken and Coinbase at this point and it is technologically superior to STEEM.

I'm still here and have a little bit of stake but it has been over 3 years and it is clear that those in power aren't going to navigate the ship in a direction that is actually best for the entire ecosystem. They are acting in their own self interest and when people realize that they see that it is in somewhat of a death spiral.

I wish it weren't so and I can already tell that the next time STEEM pumps people will say that it was still a good thing to buy low and sell high but it is way more risky to do that here than is to just do it with Litecoin or Monero.

I wish this wasn't the case because the tech has a ton of potential. Unfortunately I don't have enough money to invest in taking this concept and fixing what I see as the issues. And I don't feel comfortable doing some sort of ICO to raise the money because people really took a severe beating on investing in a lot of this stuff.


Appreciate the full and detailed response. I enjoy your YT videos. I think most would find it hard to disagree that steem has a ton of issues!

Yeah, I think too much was left to slide during 2017 and can't help but think that the team at steemit were blindsided and ended up drinking too much of their own kool aid when prices were knocking $8 - they've implied that when they had the layoffs and a reshuffle of the leadership team etc.

I've also wanted steemit Inc to jump in and clean up much of the crap that's been going on (trending page etc as you point out) but wonder whether they've felt restricted by the whole centralised v decentralised model of crypto - "the code is the code" and all that...? If I was Ned, you would have needed to fight to stop me stepping in and messing with it! Maybe hf21 will help with the trending page etc...

Also, although Eli (the new md) is seemingly no Justin Sun, she at least has a focus on getting sh*t done and maybe languishing in 80th spot is right for Steem right now, whilst the painful and unglamorous work of getting up to speed with missed deadlines and general fixing is carried out.

Plus, I suppose I just want it to work. I know it's not good to get emotionally attached to projects but there's a kinda underdog status to STEEM that I like. It's not showered in investment like EOS etc. So many are betting against it. Yet there's a decent community here and some who are heavily invested and determined to make it work - it might only take a handful of influencers or communities to shift here and then it might be hard to stop.

Having said all of that, I powered down a chunk of my meagre stack a month or so ago. Feeling like it was all going to nothing. At these latest prices I might be tempted to have another little nibble, given the potential asymmetrics from here. I haven't written it off just yet - I just can't seem to be able to do it 😂

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