My Average Payout Per Post Dropped After Hard Fork 19 (My Thoughts)

in #steem7 years ago

So it has almost been 10 days since Hard Fork 19 rolled out and we are enjoying a new sense of self reliance.  Since we went to linear rewards our votes are actually worth something.  I'm still in total support of this change and in my opinion this is what is going to move the platform forward.  Now you can see up above a screenshot from SteemViz and my average pending payout / post is 23.96 Steem Dollars.  Right when we hit Hard Fork 19 I took a screenshot and my average was 87.58 Steem Dollars / post.  That is a huge decrease.  Now I'm only getting about 1/3 the rewards.  

So the thing to note is that before HF 19 everyone was voting the old way.  Went the hard fork went into effect funds were reallocated so since I had a lot of votes by people who weren't as powerful I had a big earnings jump.  one of the things I have realized is that my minimum payout for the most part has increased.   Before I felt like my minimum post payout was around $5 and now it is around $10 but then my post that get paid out the most aren't going as high.   Overall for the platform I think this is a good thing because the payouts are getting spread around a lot better.  

Also a big thing is that some people still haven't figured out how to manage their voting power at this point.  I'm one of those people in some respects.   I have usually been between 20% and 30% voting power this whole time.    

I have been going hog wild on the voting but I think that is a good thing.   Before Hard Fork 19 my power stayed between 60 and 70% but ever since then it has been crushed.   


In my situation my full vote is worth over a dollar but with my power smashed like this I'm only able to give myself $0.25 when I post.   Now imagine the users who have a vote worth $100.  If their power is smashed like that and they are only going to be able to pay themselves $25 instead of $100 that is a huge difference.   It might be the same percentage difference but I'm not going to miss the $0.75 as much as they are going to miss the $75.  Those differences can change a persons life across multiple posts / day.  

Ultimately we aren't getting as many bot votes because people are trying to figure out how to best manage it.   I know some users have had to turn their bots off to recover their power and try to find the sweet spot.   I might have to make some adjustments as well.   I feel like to get a good gauge on how all this is going to work we are almost going to have to wait another couple of weeks to see a better look at the stats.  Once we get a better handle on our voting power situation we will be able to track voting behavior better.  This first week is a little thrown off because of the excitement and massive voting that first day and then we have had a hangover period.  

Have any of you Steemians noticed any differences in your earnings / post?  

Thank you for reading my post and please consider following me @brianphobos


There are obviously pros and cons to HF19 depending on how you look at it and who you are in regards to SP and how much your vote is worth. I definitely think we need more data to truly understand the impact of HF19 though.

The data will be very valuable in a few weeks. I still feel like the scenario that is plying out right now is better than what it was like before.

Maybe HF19 means "hefty fiething of 19% of rewards." :-p

Maybe.... I think we will see it adjust as time goes on. Plus there have been a lot of people join the platform so the rewards get spread out to more people.

We need STEEM to jump to $5 and then there will be smiles on our faces ear to ear!

Well you got me thinking with that post!

Here is an alternative perspective (mine)

My most recent 10 posts since the hardfork have totalled $362.02 an average of $36.20 each

Meanwhile my 10 last posts before the hardfork only managed $38.29 an average of $3.82 each

So my average payouts have increased by more than 9 times!

What is happening here is that all the money that was going to you is now going to me and I'm loving it.

Soon I will be able to afford a swimming pool too!

That is some funny shit! 100% upvote for that!

mine too !! If people can only up vote 10 times a day at 100% , then most are only voting 1% or 2% so they can up vote more , or they only up voting 10 times , so like me im barely getting any up votes anymore ! It sucks!👍👍👍

Yeah that 1% or 2% stuff is weak sauce! I just go animal on these upvote buttons. Here is another 100% upvote for you!

LOL thanks ! But be careful !👍👍👍

I wish someone told me about managing my vote power when I started, I had no idea that was a thing. I need to make a video on that. Great post @brianphobos as usual!

Well it honestly isn't that big of a deal unless you have a lot of Steem Power and you want to keep it high so that when you post your blog post will get a bigger payout upfront from your own vote.

Good point especially the aspect of managing voting power. I think the new update has helped lots of new members have a voic here and thus a win win for all due to increase in signups.

Yeah I feel like it has too. Just look at Google trends to see the flood coming here.

Way to break it down... its been around 8 days, I am still trying to find my sweet spot in the power voting :)

It feels a lot better post HF-19

yeah I feel better about it as well overall.

nice articles...thanks for sharing information ..followed..

Steem is still beta, I think they are still trying to tweak the algoritms to spread as much as possible and avoid the whale concentration

It is going in a positive direction overall in my opinion after being here on Steemit for 20 years.

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