Run some numbers - let us all know optimum posting times, for different types of content!

in #steem8 years ago

I'd love to see a breakdown of popular/profitable posts, by posting time. I am pretty sure that, like Reddit, if you post in the early a.m. US time, your post "esta muerto." Is there a time that correlates with max $$$?

I know...putting that info out there could create a "lemming effect"

...of making everyone wait until, IDK, 3 pm Eastern time or whatever, and then clusterbombing the site. And I could sit here with proverbial pen and paper and mark the posting time of each new, or at least new and trending, post, and then work backwards from the most popular ones to see if they share a window. But that would mean not having a life, not that I have one, but I am bingeing White Collar right now and so really I'm very busy. If that data is open sourced, wouldn't it be cool to know when, at the least, the worst possible time to post is? (Answer: it's 5 am Pacific time.)

Maybe, we could even break it down more. How about, posts with hot ladies are most popular at 12 midnight, whereas a learned exegesis on Foucault might have a better chance at say, whatever time it is before grad students start drinking? 

How about which tags hit big at which time of day? I assume #steem is big at night because programmers aren't morning people, but that could be a stereotype, right? 

You can't be the next $33,000 trend if nobody sees you. 

We know what kind of content is hitting the roof, at least, what has hit the roof. As a self-published author, I've learned all too fast that trends are fleeting, and investing too much time or energy in what's now instead of what's next is risky. Just think of all those publishing houses with their 10,000 Gone Girl clones still to be released. Soon those publishers will be stuck with a bunch of pulp because people will finally be sick of reading the same book over and over. (Right.) 

None of us want to spend the rest of our lives opening our dashboard and seeing $0.00 on all our posts. And so a lot of people do a "me too" version of whatever just hit the roof, and they are making some $ no doubt.

But, as a writer who's been middlingly successful instead of wildly successful, because I've failed or refused to jump on the latest bandwagon, here's my philosophy.

You can make a million dollars doing what everyone else is doing. 

Or, you can make a billion dollars doing what only you can do (J.K. Rowling, for instance), and then watch everyone imitate you.

Steem wants original exciting content. Me too. But... now I just need to know when to post it, otherwise my Steem goes up in smoke.


Yeah, this is so true. Dude, I can't figure out why your awesome posts are being overlooked!

Thanks ;) I need to become a hot, weed smoking, backpacking girl I guess ;)

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