
Little bit green still, that last comment was for the person below you. Thank you for your tip my friend. I read your tipping noobs post and just wanted to let you know that tipping noobs like you did me is what, for me anyway has built faith in this network and its potential. Thank you for that my friend.


Sorry still learning the ropes, thought that went to someone else. Im not sure if your a chick or a dude, I couldnt find any pics on your page but no disrespect was ment by saying bro if your a chick. I appreciate your kind words and concern, they both meant a lot. I know I shouldnt smoke and I've quit a hundred times just need to do it again. Im no long a junkie either btw... Poppy seed tea saved this life. I wish I could kick those too but I have an Rheumatic disorder that makes daily life pretty damn painful w/o it. Luckily pst allowed me to leave the street life though and for that im greatful.


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