Steemit Must Read For All - At Least Read The End!

in #steem7 years ago (edited)


"The Reality of Steemit"

Every single person that reads this article should know that it has been written by an individual, someone that has taken their personal time to think out and express their opinions on a secure yet financially beneficial cryptographic based social media. Steemit is free to join, has an amazing community, and is open to any and all individuals around the world regardless of nationality, color, creed, religion, or social standing. Steemit is the epitome of freedom, equality, and global consciousness.

"The Sociality of Steemit"

Most people that use Steemit on a regular basis also have a facebook account, a twitter account, a youtube account, an e-mail account, etc... We, as the current Steemit user base, have an obligation to share this amazing utility of democracy to every single person that we have contact with. This is an amazing community, we make friends, we share our adventures, we share our insights, we share our hopes, and our dreams, and our poetry. We should welcome every single person we know into this landscape because that is what encompasses the true value of what we possess. It is the ability to speak our mind without reproach, The freedom to judge other values on nothing but the merit of their stance, and the the individuality to choose what direction we take no matter what the social norm.

"The Need of Steemit"

There is only one way to insure the growth of this amazing community. Spread the word! Message your facebook friends, make a youtube video, tweet others blogs, email all of your contacts. When you see a post that you like, dont just read it and upvote and move on, SPREAD IT! Let people know where you got it! Tell the person at the check out line, tell your family how its done, tell your preacher at church, tell your coworkers, tell your therapist, get your own children involved! This is the future of social media, but only if we make it the future of social media!

"The Truth of Steemit" (from my perspective)

I have grown to love this site. In a world filled with left and right and right and wrong, this is the one place that I can go to just simply tell my story the way I want to tell it. I have made a hundred bucks off of a post about my dog, I have made ten cents off of a working novel that I am legitimately excited about, but as it turns out, the monetary gains are not what is important to me. It is the actual community. The pictures of friends that I have never met that visit places that I long to see, the intimate poetry that show the depths of an unknown soul, the purity of thought that is oblivient to the judgment of others, that is what is special about this place. It is the self preserved truth of the human soul, it is amazing.

"My Steemit"

This is an important message that every member of Steemit needs to see and read,weather you are new or a whale, remember that this site is based off of a community that needs to grow and change and adapt. If you have ten upvotes or ten thousand, your voice, your dreams, your poetry are just as important as everyone else; if you have zero upvotes then you are the most important of all! The fringe beliefs are what changes society! Blog everyday, share everyday, not just on Steemit but with every other social media! Bring those that do not know about us into the fold. Entice them with finance, but when its all said and done, they will stay because the dreams of mankind is what makes the reality of the world, and that is what we are doing here right now.

Please, take the time to reblog this post. It is my hope that it will get more people into this amazing and thriving community.


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