in #steem6 years ago

It wasn't very long back that I joined the steem blockchain. Just around 3 months back. I have heard about love in first sight...is this how it feels?

Recently, I joined the Twitter Hustle, where quite a few of us, Steemians, are trying to spread the word about steem to the outside world. It is a great marketing strategy, and potentially a very effective one.

A lot of steemians from different countries, different blogging styles, different kinds of content creators, even from different communities have come together and are working towards the same goal, hand in hand.

It is such a beautiful thing.
Sometimes, when I am too busy to write a post or record a vlog, when I have already seen the latest post on my feed, I just browse through discord and twitter.

I just look at everything going on. The buzzing activity.
It is mesmerizing to see so many people, whose lives are so different, becoming one and working together.

I notice all the different projects everybody is working on, the different self-development steps people are taking, and doing it all together, as one.

It made me realize something very important.


You, I, us, we make steem what it is today. We are the reason steem is steem. Without you there would be no steem, without you there would be no activity, without your contribution this platform wouldn't exist.

Pat yourself on the back. You have done a marvelous job. You are playing a key role in growing, developing and recreating this platform.

We are steem.

That's one more blind spot from Blind's pot.

Find the image used here, on Pixabay


You said it all and so well.

You made me proud to be a Steemian and I already was proud of our blockchain and it being the best.

Just Brilliant writing!!

It's just a small part of my thinking, but I am so happy you agree with it.

You don't need anyone to make yourself feel proud to be a Steemian, you are one of the most remarkable people I have come across on the blockchain, and I am proud to have know you :)

Just Brilliant writing!!

I blushed. #snookmademedoit

Pat yourself on the back. You have done a marvelous job. You are playing a key role in growing, developing and recreating this platform.

Those are very encouraging statements! I am sure those will make every Steemian proud of being one and be inspired to contribute more value to the blockchain.

I wonder how many Steemians see others this way. I hope we all do. I admit I haven't thought of it until I read your post. An ice breaker!

I do want every Steemian to be proud of themselves. We often feel insecure or feel like we are holding the shorter end of the stick, I know I did feel like that.

But it is super important to realize that no matter how small or big, how little or much, we contribute, we stilla re contributing to the blockchain and that makes steemwhat it is. We are like pilalrs, every single pillar is equally important.

Thank you for your appreciation!

no matter how small or big, how little or much, we contribute, we stilla re contributing to the blockchain and that makes steemwhat it is.

This what many may not realize and again, thank you for pointing that out.

It was very much like your blog post, and of course you have said a lot of good things. There are many types of people in this platform. There are many types of users. One person's image is one but all of us are working together. Of course this is a great thank you. To present such a beautiful block to us

Posted using Partiko Android

Yes Mamun vai! Yes!

That's exactly what I was trying to say. You literally summed up my huge post in 3 lines! simply amazing!

You are killing it. Yeah there are a lot of awesome people around here and that is the most amazing part!

Look who's talking!
If I am killing it, you are mass murdering it!
Keep it up, I love everything you bring to the platform. Especially the hair. (#nomorebeanies)

Eheheh love. My new tittle: mass murderer 😎

Posted using Partiko Android

This is so accurately written and I especially love every parts of this article. And...

We Are Steem😊

Louder for the people in the back


you sir, are on a roll!

Thank you, and so are you.
We all are on a roll. We all are a crucial element to the blockchain!

It's like a 'Hands across America' only with crypto linking everyone ;)

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