I Don't Think I Could Ever Live The Laptop Lifestyle

in #steem5 years ago

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Not sure about all of you but I legit am SLOW and hardly get anything done with my laptop compared to my home system.

Do any of you have this same issue ?

Maybe it is working from one screen when I am use to 4 or 6 ?

Or is it that I finally get some time away to live life and I end up not really caring to login to post and do my daily to do list?

It just seems like the laptop lifestyle would never be for me.

I like being as productive as possible with the time I put into my work.

Should I just off grid and take the time off ?

Still do some bit of work but limit it to 30 minutes for the day ?

Or should I just stop going on vacations and grind the heck out of it ?


I got used to it. But not when I'm away. Then I use the phone, and often only barely, because I enjoy the time off.

I think I am too mobile not to have it! However, when I am in the office I do feel more productive with my double screen setup!

Posted using Partiko iOS

If you are on holiday, and the work is not urgent, then you should just enjoy your time off. 😊

My cell phone is great for mobility, but I need my laptop to see spreadsheets better, but I see the spreadsheets the best when using the desktop/monitors in one of my offices. I believe I'm more productive on my desktops, however in today's, "need it now" world, all of these devices are necessary to keep up with competition. I count the days until I'm off the grid!

Posted using Partiko Android

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