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RE: SBD To STEEM Rewards Split Close To 75 / 25

in #steem7 years ago

What exactly do you mean "price feed bias?" Where did you get the screenshot at the top of the page?

The price feed is spot on right now to the real price of STEEM. Where do the witnesses select this SBD/SP split you're talking about?


Have a look at, there is a column called "Bias" and some witnesses have values between 300% and 8000%. The average value of this controls how much SBD is printed from the rewards pool, compared with STEEM. Witnesses control this in their witness update commands, it's a blockchain prop which is set. It's all in the white paper.

The screenshot is taken from where I take this into account when calculating the potential rewards.

Average, not median? Only two of the top-20 witnesses have nonzero numbers for bias at the moment.

I think the prop is called "median_price_feed". There are a few more witnesses which are setting this prop (having price feed bias above 0%), me included. What you get when you call get_median_price_feed on the blockchain is pretty much the ratio between SBD and STEEM in rewards (the base and quote ratio, I mean).

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STEEM 0.20
TRX 0.13
JST 0.030
BTC 64761.00
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USDT 1.00
SBD 2.55