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RE: The Steemit Adventure: 36 Days In

in #steem6 years ago

Thanks @jakeybrown! Helpful to hear your story since I've become hooked by both the idea and potential of SteemIt, but have found the beginning to be slow going. I've got a few ideas for a blog series on investing strategy (esp. non-crypto markets), but I'm worried my posts might get buried amidst everything.

Any advice for continuing to pick up followers and more fully integrate into the community?


Honestly, the way I see it is that you will get buried until you build followers. That's why I waited to start posting frequently until I knew it was worth my while. @taskmaster4450 picked me up for his 1kSP program because he noticed how I was posting quality comments.

So basically my advice is:

  • Post quality comments, as many as you can on posts that interest you, whether crypto, investing, or just your other hobbies.
  • Follow people who are interacting with their followers and try to get early comments on their posts. Early comments are, in general at least, far more valuable than later comments. Some authors get tooooons of comments and can't get through them all. Also be willing to comment as a reply to other great comments.
  • Connect with people on a personal level, if someone seems like a cool person chat them up on their posts or when you see them commenting, and be consistent in talking to them, remember them.
  • Post once or twice a week, honestly I would try to mostly do comments until around 200 followers, obviously go with what feels right, posting can be beneficial to build followers, but like you said, there might be noone to read them without followers. When you do post, make sure it's quality, good formatting, grammar, readability, etc. Posts don't have to be long, but I have found that well researched posts get picked up by whales or resteemed far more often than short half assed posts. If you have some really great posts where posting it can wait, I'd say save it until you have a following.
  • Start seeking out other avenues: Things like discord chat rooms, steemit chat, contests for free SBD and steem, lucksacks poker, Learn about them, see if they will work for you, I've made around 50 steem from poker, I've gotten whaleshares from a contest, I won 10 steem for a poker post, there are tons of opportunity for free steem and other crypto, and more steem often means more followers because people are more prone to follow and comment on your posts if they think they can get $5 instead of $0.10. That's why whales get a ton of comments and upvotes even when their articles are a paragraph long. This will probably change a bit in the future, but people generally follow the money.

Hope these help, any other questions just ask.

Wow, this is incredibly helpful. Really appreciate the time and feedback. Will get started on these and see where things go. Thanks @jakeybrown!

Indeed @bigtx31, extremely helpful response and post @jakeybrown. Really appreciate the sound advice as a noob.

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