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RE: HF20.. How it fucked minnows and plankton and will fuck us all eventually!

in #steem6 years ago

I disagree and as I stated it is causing whales and dolphins I personally know to power down not up as we have for the last almost 2 years... This is stupid! WHO thinks they will replace us with new members who buy into a pay for play platform when the bulk of the dolphins/whales leave for other platforms... There is no reason to invest more when you don't see any new members any more joining.. It has become a game of the elite winning and sucking the last of the reward pool out while they power down and cash out huge amounts since they claim it is just to "develop" the platform.. This isn't development this is suicide for the platform! New members will not replace the MILLIONS of SP we are about to loose because of HF20 and by the time the bulk of users figure it out the exchange rate for STEEM will be $0.10 USD! There is no path forward but to leave ASAP or hope and pray which many of us are still doing since we invested SOO much into this platform.. That is the only thing keeping it going.. US! We shouldn't blindly accept this we should be mad! Our voice does not matter apparently though and the elite ie ned and steemit inc decide what the chain will be.. Not one witness in the top 25 stood up to them... They all just went along with it despite a false start, 3 bugs, and 5 patches... That is not good development that is amature at best!


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