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RE: Drop It Like It's Hot!

in #steem6 years ago

I am hoping my investment, no matter how crappy the timing, will pay off in the long run.

I’m going to Cali for a weddding. It shall be interesting because the kids are in for a long plane ride! Believe it or not, I used to bump to Snoop in my teens. Not much anymore. Can’t imagine what my suburban neighbors would think if I were to blast some OG songs on my boombox iPhone home dock. 😁


hahaha @beeyou, I just had a vision of you with your kids, out for a walk, with the boombox on your shoulder lol

California will be nice, but yes, I remember dreading long plane rides! Hope it goes well 😅 I remember realizing that I'd become that family that I never wanted sitting in front of me on a plane haha

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