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RE: It's time to end the mystery delegations.

in #steem6 years ago

It would be nice to see what the process is for their decisions to delegate to app developers. What is the process that one must go through, what promises do they have to make, what are the consequence for failure to follow through on development. If they made the process more transparent they might get a few more developers to actually do some developing of quality apps.

Most times when a large company is looking for a new home, they let the bidders know how many people they will be employing and how long they anticipate at a minimum of being in that location, with that many employees. This is so they can get price cuts on taxes and electricity and other services from the local community in which they intend on moving into. Failure on there part leads to fines and increased fees and taxes on their company. Failure on the part of the community results in a decrease in hired people and eventual shut down of the facility.

It's a mutual support thing, and good for the community and for the business in most cases.

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