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RE: HF20 Update: Operations Stable

in #steem6 years ago

The RC system still needs a little bit of work. Post and comments need to be separated out, and separate from each other. they are two different aspects of steemit. Once the separation is complete then constraints need to be put in place. The vast majority of spam comes in the form of comments. As I suggested in a comment to @paulag there needs to be a timer put on them:

Example second post in less than 2 hours cost twice as much RC to post, third one in less than two hours after the second one then four times the cost of the second.

That would take care of some of the rapid fire posting. Two hour time frame is a reasonable time frame, this will I understand hurt things like the pull into steem apps stream2steem or whatever they are called. So not rapid fire twitter recast or steepshot recast or things of that nature. The app designers will just have to look at the time frames.

To really do away with the comment spam, second comment in less than 3 sec's ten times the cost, 3 in less than 6 sec's from the first 100 times the cost. end of bot spam. This would of course seriously curtail the ability of any vote bots to have their advertisement show on the post that paid for their use but, such is life, the bot's would still be able to vote, and that is one thing that should not have a time limit because of curation trails and bot votes.

This will no likely cause a lot more kick back than the posting issues, but the vote bots can adjust their commands to comment only once every 2 or three minutes.

Just a couple of thoughts.


what if someone creates a twitter clone where people would like to share stuff every minute? The blockchain steem was made for all kind of dapps, not only

Steemit does not control the blockchain, RC's are for steemit. It is my understanding that Dapps will have to pay their own way on the chain. So if a dapp wants to create a twitter resteamer, then the dapp and dapp user are going to have to pay the RC cost of the posting. They have not been silenced it just that it cost them more to post. "I had eggs for breakfast. What did you have" with a picture of their breakfast.

There is no exclusiveness for It is a simple dapp which interacts with the blockchain like any other dapp (, steepshot, busy) and they have no more rights to interact with the steem blockchain. The Hardfork introduced RC´s which are a system wide upgrade. Every dapp needs to deal with the Resource Credits now.

See reply to andrarchy, I did not word that very well at all, and did not mean to imply that only steemit had RC's. Any post, vote, comment or transaction is going to cost RC's, and it does not matter what front end or application is used.

That sounds like a terrible idea. Unless people can eventually use the network however they want, it's all a waste of time.

The future is not a BBC, in fact, the future probably looks more like Twitter/Facebook/Snapchat/Vine than a 10 000 word BLOG

The most valuable content for on STEEM so far has been short. Every "high quality" post I've found is plagued by long-winded tl;dr'ness that only makes sense to steemit curation teams and completely misses the mark in terms of internet view ability and value.

My 2c: the same message, conveyed in the least words possible, is way more valuable than the same message with all sorts of word-sugaring.

We're already dealing with 10's of thousands of people who actually read over their posts and look at how they can make it longer for steemit, which is totally nonsense since to make a more valuable post you should normally try and condense it without losing info.

A sad state of affairs and one that it looks like these decisions might drive deeper into our psychology if we're not careful.

No, RCs are for all Steem DApps. Nothing is specific to A transaction on will cost just as much in RCs as the same transaction on another Steem DApp like a twitter clone.

I thought that was what I said:

Steemit does not control the blockchain, RC's are for steemit

But I see where I did not word it well, in that sentence. I tried to explain it via:

So if a dapp wants to create a twitter resteamer, then the dapp and dapp user are going to have to pay the RC cost of the posting.

At least this is the way I understood how the RC's worked. The dapp or the user was going to have to pay the RC cost. So if a person wants to do 30 twitter type quick little post, they or their dapp provider is going to bear the RC cost, and not be subsidised so to speak. Just as a Steemit user needs to pay the RC cost for their posting.

Posts and comments are almost identical from the perspective of the blockchain. Each is a transaction that is being submitted and that costs are almost the same. In some ways posts have more cost (they are usually larger) and for other technical reasons, with the same content, comments can have slightly higher cost.

Trying to put timers on accounts as a mechanism to control abuse does not work. The abusers will set up multiple accounts and round-robin between then to evade the limit. At the same time, responsible non-abusing users won't do this and will be the ones whose experience is made worse by the limits (which is exactly what we saw with the previous 30 second limit on comments).

I did not realize time limits had been tried before. I know at one time there was a time limit you need to wait 20 seconds before voting, but I was not sure about for comments or posting.

It was 3 seconds for voting, 20 seconds for commenting, 5 minutes for posting.

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